Denius Student Center
Gain Experience

Getting work experience related to your major or field of study can be a great way to apply the skills and techniques you've learned in class in a real work environment and help clarify your career goals. Internships are a great way for current students to gain a competitive edge when it comes to landing a job after graduation. Career Services provides assistance to students seeking major-related work experiences and also administers the Cooperative Education, or "Co-op," Program, which allows undergrads to gain academic elective credit for their semesterly work experiences.

An important thing to understand is that experience is experience is experience. Rather than worrying about which type of experience to obtain, or missing opportunities because they aren't exactly aligned to your future career, just get some! The greater the variety, the more well-rounded you will be.

Federal Work Study (FWS) is a program designed to provide college students who are in need of financial assistance a chance to earn money while pursuing their degree. FWS provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students on campus.

Workday is where you will find available FWS jobs. Login, click on the career icon, click view then find student jobs. Work study jobs will be marked FWS Eligible. You must be on the campus internet to apply to jobs. 

For more program information and guides, visit the FWS page

For questions about FWS contact

For questions about WorkDay or your job application, contact HR: 321-674-7427 or

Cooperative Education, or "Co-op," is the integration of applied learning in a practical work experience related to the student's major.  Students receive academic credit for their field related work by enrolling in a Co-Op course. Employment is approved by the educational institution as a suitable learning experience where students are engaged in productive and challenging work (rather than merely observing), and the student’s progress on the job is monitored by the educational institution and is evaluated by the employer. 

At Florida Tech, Co-op is tied to academic semesters and students are allowed to work full- or part-time any semester, for a single semester, or back-to-back semesters.  Florida Tech undergraduate students have the option of turning their work or internship experience into academic credit by applying and registering for Co-op at the start of the semester in which they're working (Co-ops cannot be applied for retroactively).

Undergraduate Co-ops offer 1, 2, or 3 elective credits per semester based off the quantity of hours worked by the student (full time, or 30+ hours a week, earns 3 credits). Students maintain their full-time student status in Fall and Spring by working full-time when enrolled in Co-op for academic credit.  Students can continue to work for local companies (or remotely) throughout the school year when their schedules permit.

Co-op at Florida Tech is an optional program and is available to every major, with appropriate departmental approvals.

To Register:

If you've received an employment offer and would like to register for Co-op, you can begin the application process by filling out the packet below. Enter your name and e-mail, along with your advisor's name and e-mail to initiate the online forms (have your offer letter ready to upload):

Co-Op Application Packet - Domestic Student
Co-op Application Packet - International Student (Includes CPT forms)

*New updated course fee for 2024 is $120

Co-Op FAQ's for Students

Only Career Services can register you for this course (you cannot do it through PAWS). You will be asked to enter your academic advisor's name and email address as part of the application. International students' application will be routed to ISSS for further approval. Most international students use Co-op as a way to get CPT approval. The CPT process is coordinated by ISSS; please reach out to for CPT questions. 

*Co-Op Experiences can also count towards the Cultural Competency Certificate

Getting major-related work experience can be a great way for students to apply what they have learned in the classroom and can help clarify career goals. In addition, students gain a competitive edge in their full-time job search because they have the skills and relevant experience that employers are seeking. Internships are usually offered over the duration of one academic semester and can be part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid, and may or may not be for academic credit. A summer job, volunteer experience, or community service position that is related to your field of study could also be considered an internship. 

Students are encouraged to register with Career Services on Handshake where they can view internship postings and receive email notifications of opportunities. Students may also schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss the options available and to receive assistance with  , cover letters, or any aspect of the job search.

If the academic department has a required internship or offers an internship course, students should meet with their academic advisor to discuss the requirements of that program.  Career Services is still available to assist the student in finding their internship position. If the academic department does not offer academic internship credit, students may receive academic credit for their internship experiences through the Co-op Program, providing they meet the requirements of the program. 

Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects enable Career Launchers to demonstrate skills, explore career paths, and build their networks as they seek the right full-time role. Unlike traditional internships, Micro-Internships can take place year-round, typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work, and are due between one week and one month after kick-off. Micro-Internships are used by companies ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups, and go across departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, and finance. Students can be selected for multiple micro-internships.

Interested students are encouraged to:

  • Create an account at
  • Fill out your profile as completely as possible
  • Review current Micro-Internship projects available
  • Apply to projects of interest
  • Continue to check the platform regularly for new opportunities

The Host a Panther Externship Program pairs Florida Tech students with employer partners to facilitate a one-to-five day job shadowing experience. You can learn about a particular career or industry, gain workplace experience, and build your professional network.  

The Host a Panther Externship Program takes place during academic breaks, usually Spring Break.  There is no cost to participate. Although you will not earn academic credit for the experience, you will have an invaluable opportunity to explore a career and build your professional network.

Who Is Eligible?

  • The Externship Program is open to undergraduate and graduate students attending Florida Tech (freshmen with little or no work experience that are eager to explore various career fields, to upper classmen with a wealth of practice)

When the application period opens, Career Services will send an email to students through Handshake who meet the qualifications of the participating employers, with a request to complete the Host a Panther Student Commitment, Release of Liability, and Confidentiality Agreement

Volunteering is a great way to learn more about a cause, prove your commitment, build networks, and identify new opportunities. Volunteering can happen independently or as part of a team, formal program or class, and may be short-term or long-term.

Resume Pro Tip: Don’t forget to track how many hours you volunteer so you can state it on your resume. Data is always eye-catching on a resume, and listing the hours will show your dedication.

Contact the Office of Civic Engagement with questions. 

View service opportunities on Engage

Relevant projects or assignments that are part of your coursework can be valuable for demonstrating technical, job-related skills on your resume. They're also a great way to highlight soft skills like teamwork, problem solving, and creativity. In addition to standard resume sections like education, skills and work experiences, academic projects is a section that can be included to showcase additional qualifications that are relevant to jobs in which you have interest in applying to.  A "Projects" section can also include any recent or ongoing personal projects that are relevant to the job you're applying to. 

A "Projects" section on the resume can be treated very similarly to other experience sections on the resume. You should list the project name (sometimes you'll have to come up with one yourself, that's OK), the institution where the project took place, and the time frame in which it was completed. For the time frame, it can sometimes be appropriate to use the semester of completion (e.g., Fall 2020, Spring 2021, etc) instead of the month/year format. Some students prefer to do this especially for projects or assignments that may not have taken much time to complete. 

Florida Tech has a great variety of student organizations you can join and participate in. Your goal should be find one or more that interest you. You can often gain experience performing organizational projects. Even better, student organizations are a great place to test and hone your managing and leading skills -- so, don't just join an organization, but strive to be part of its management team.

View a list of student organizations on Engage

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