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John Deaton

Dean | College of Aeronautics

Professor | College of Aeronautics

Contact Information
(321) 674-8971
George M. Skurla Hall, 210N

Personal Overview

Human factors is an exciting field that blends both Psychology and Engineering.  Please contact me if you have interest in learning more about the Aviation Human Factors program that we have at Florida Tech.  We have both on campus and online graduate programs.

Professor and Dean of the College of Aeronautics.
Responsible for teaching human factors courses,  mentoring students, and securing sponsored research, along with the administrative duties of Dean.

Educational Background

B.A. General Psychology San Diego State University 1972
M.A. Experimental Social Psychology San Diego State University 1975
M.P.S. Pastoral Studies Loyola University 2005
Ph.D. Applied Experimental Psychology The Catholic University of America 1988

Professional Experience

Manager, Human System Integration, CHI Systems, Inc.
Contributing Editor,Ergonomics and Design, The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Senior Instructional Psychologist, FlightSafety International Training, Systems Division
Senior Research Associate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Center for Aviation/Aerospace Research
Deputy Program Director for Research, Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division
Aerospace Psychologist, Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division
Aerospace Psychologist, Defense Training and Performance Data Center
Supervisory Engineering Psychologist, Naval Air Development Center
Aerospace Experimental Psychologist, Naval Air Development Center
Deputy Project Manager, Manpower, Personnel, and Training, Office of Naval Research
Aerospace Experimental Psychologist, Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet
Aerospace Experimental Psychologist, Naval Aerospace Medical Institute
Research Psychologist, Naval Health Research Center

Additional Military Training:
• Over 700 hours flight time as flight crew on various Navy aircraft
• Graduate of Crash Survival Investigators School. International Center of Safety Education, Tempe, Arizona.
• Designated Aerospace Experimental Psychologist. Naval Aerospace Medical Institute. Specific training included: (1) academic classes in the area of aviation physiology, psychology, aerospace medicine; (2) survival training (land/water); (3) ejection seat/survival equipment training; and (4) completion of basic flight instruction up to solo flight on the T-34C turbo prop.

Additional Duties

Faculty Promotion Committee
Graduate Curriculum Committee

Current Courses

Introduction to Human Factors
Human Computer Interaction
Man Machine Systems
Human Performance 1
Human Performance 2
Aviation Safety Analysis
Sensation and Perception
Directed Research

Selected Publications

Nakushian, A., & Deaton J.  (2020).  Issues facing crew selection for long duration space flight missions.  International Journal of Aviation Research, 12(01), 20-34.

Mehta, R., Rice, S., Deaton, J., & Winter S.R.  (2019).  Creating a prediction model of passenger preference between legacy and low-cost airlines.  Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 3, 100075.

Pierre, S., Carstens, D., & Deaton, J.  (2019).  Laser eye protection and color recognition and discrimination in aviation.  Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 9(2), 86-94.

Clouse, T., & Deaton, J.  (2018, Spring).  Hurricane evacuation:  Factors people consider when deciding if evacuation is necessary.  Disaster Recovery Journal, 31(1).   

Wentzel, I., & Deaton, J.  (2018).  Portable electronic devices on the flight deck.  International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 5(3), 1-23.

Blouin, N., Deaton, J., Buza, P., & Richard, E.  (2014).  The effects of stress on the perceived performance of collegiate aviators.  Journal of Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 4(1), 40-48.

Kasdaglis, N., & Deaton, J. (2012).  The art of managing information in the National Air Space.  In S. Strother, J. Ulijn, & Z. Fazal (Ed.), Information overload. Hoboken, NJ:  Wiley Publications.

Lindo, R.S., Deaton, J.E., Cain, J. H., & Lang, C. (2012).  Methods of instrument training and effects on pilots’ performance with different types of flight instrument displays.  Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 2(2), 62-71.

Sawyer, B.D., Hancock, P.A., Deaton, J., & Suedfeld, P.  (2012).  Finding the team for Mars:  A psychological and human factors analysis of a Mars Desert Research Station crew.  Work:  Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 41, 5481-5484.

Buker, T.J., Vincenzi, D.A., & Deaton, J.E. (2011).  The effect of apparent latency on simulator sickness while using a see-through helmet-mounted display:  Reducing apparent latency with predictive compensation.  Human Factors, 54(2), 235-249.

Vincenzi, D., Deaton, J.E. Blickenderfer, E., Pray, R., Williams, B., & Buker, T.  (2010).  Measurement and reduction of system latency in see-through Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) systems.  Proceedings of SPIE (Vol. 7688).  Orlando, FL.  April 5-9.

Vincenzi, D., Blickensderfer, E., Deaton, J., Buker, T., Pray, R., & Williams, B.  (2010).  Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference.  Orlando, FL.  Nov. 29-Dec.2.

Todhunter, R.G., & Deaton, J. (2010).  The relationship between religious and spiritual factors and the perpetration of intimate personal violence.  Journal of Family Violence, 25, 745-753.

Thompson, T., Bell, M.A., & Deaton, J.E. Justification for use of simulation. (2009). In D. Vincenzi, M. Mouloua, and J. Wise (Eds.), Human factors in simulation and training. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Mahwah, NJ.

Deaton, J., Bell, B., Fowlkes, J., Bowers, C., & Jentsch, F. (2007). Enhancing team training and performance with automated performance assessment tools. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 17(4), 317-331.

Tripp, L., Warm, J., Matthews, G., Chiu, P., Werchan, P., & Deaton, J. (2006). +Gz acceleration loss of consciousness: Time course of performance deficits with repeated experience. Human Factors, 48(1), 109-120.

Deaton, J. (Fall 2006). SPSS text analysis for surveys (v. 2.0): A review. Ergonomics in Design, 14(4), 33-34.

Davis, R., Wilt, D., Henion, J., Alter, K., & Deaton, J. (2005). A primary flight display with highway-in-the-sky vastly improves situational awareness and accuracy of flight. Proceedings of the 5th Aircraft Technology, Integration, and Operation (ATIO) Conference. Arlington, VA..

Davis, R., Wilt, D., Henion, J., Alter, K., Snow, P., & Deaton, J. (2005). Formal tests for LLM approaches using refined cockpit display technology. Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Jacques G. Verly (Ed.), Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2005, Vol. 5802.

Deaton, J., Barba, C., Santarelli, T., Rosenzweig, L., Souders, V., McCollum, C., Seip, J., Knerr, B., & Singer, M. (2005) Virtual environment cultural training for operational effectiveness (VECTOR). The Journal of Virtual Reality, 8, 156-167.

Kelly, W., Valasek, J., Wilt, D., Deaton, J., Alter, K., & Davis, R. (2005). The design and evaluation of a traffic situation display for a SATS self controlled area. Proceedings of the 24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Washington, D.C.

Adam, H., Deaton, J., Hansrote, R., & Sheikh, M. (2004). An analysis of GPS use and human performance in aviation. International Journal of Applied Aviation Science, 4(1), 107-131.

Bell, B., Fowlkes, J., & Deaton, J. (2004). Enhancing performance through improved coordination (EPIC). In D. Kortenkamp & M. Freed (Eds.), Human interaction with autonomous systems in complex environments: Papers from the 2003 Spring Symposium. Technical Report, American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

Clarke, A., Deaton, J., Villaire, N., & Sheikh, M. (2004). Development of a small aircraft maintenance monitoring system (SAMMS) interface for in-flight mechanical fault management. International Journal of Applied Aviation Science, 4(1), 133-149.

Deaton, J., Bell, B., Fowlkes, J., Bowers, C, Jentsch, F., & Bell, M. (2004). Enhancing team training and performance with the development of human centered performance assessment tools. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Human Performance, Situation Awareness, and Automation Technology Conference. Daytona Beach, FL.
Santarelli, T., McCollum, C., Barba, C., & Deaton, J. (2004). Applying a cognitive architecture to control of virtual non-player characters. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference. Washington, D.C.: IEEE.

McCollum, C., Deaton, J., Barba, C., Santarelli, T., Singer, M., & Knerr, B. (2004). Developing an immersive, cultural training system. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC). Orlando, FL.

Deaton, J., Mitchell, T., & Owens, J. (2003). Training implications of acceleration loss of consciousness (GLOC) and almost loss of consciousness (ALOC) in military aircraft. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH. April 14-17.

Deaton, J., Wilt, D., & Glucroft, B. (2003). Development of iCFITS: Intelligent certified flight instructor training system. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH. April 14-17.

Griffith, R.L., Deaton, J.E., & Steelman, L.A. (2003). I/O psychology and the synthetic team member:
The blue pill or the red pill? The Industrial Organizational Psychologist, 41(2), 55-58.

Popp, E., Deaton, J., Glenn, F., & Barba, C. (2003). Development of interactive electronic checklists and manuals for Navy helicopter in-flight operations. Naval Engineers Journal, 115(2), 63-72.

Tripp, L., Werchan, P., Deaton, J.E., Warm, J.S., & Matthews, G. (2003). The effect of repeated exposure to G-induced loss of consciousness on recovery time and psychomotor task performance. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH. April 14-17.

Mouloua, M., Gilson, R., Hancock, P., Brill, C., & Deaton, J. (2002). Development of effective decision strategies for alarm diagnosis in military aviation. Proceedings of the Army Science Conference. Orlando, FL.

Tripp, L., Warm, J., Matthews, G., Chiu, P., Deaton, J., & Albery, W. (2002). +Gz acceleration loss of consciousness: Time course of performance deficits with repeated experience. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Baltimore, MD: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Barba, C., Deaton, J., Glenn, F., & Popp, E. (2001). The design of an advanced in-flight information management system for Naval rotary-wing aircrews. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH. March 3-6.

Deaton, J., Glenn, F., Burke, C., Good, M., Dorneich, M., & Downs, J. (2001). Aircrew performance during emergency conditions: A comparison between an electronic and traditional paper NATOPS. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Deaton, J., Mitchell, T., & Tripp, L. (2001). Enhanced recovery of aircrew from acceleration induced loss of consciousness (GLOC). Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH. March 3-6.

Glenn, F., Deaton, J., Barba, C., Popp, E., Byington, & Good, M. (2001). Aircraft condition monitoring via an electronic kneeboard. Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 57th Annual Forum, Washington, D.C. May 9-11.

Good, M., Dorneich, M., Deaton, J., Glenn, F., Burke, C., Downs, J. (2001). Techniques for interacting with large information spaces on small displays. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Mouloua, M., Deaton, J., & Hitt, J. (2001). Aviation, automation and workload. In P.A. Hancock & P.A. Desmond (Eds.), Stress, workload and fatigue. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Popp, E., Deaton, J., Glenn, F., & Barba, C. (2001). Development of interactive electronic checklists and manuals for Navy in-flight operations. Proceedings of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Human Systems Integration (HSI) Symposium. Arlington, VA. Nov. 5-6.

Singh, I., Deaton, J., & Parasuraman, R. (2001). Development of a scale to assess pilot attitudes towards cockpit automation. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 27(1-2), 205-211.

Glenn, F., Deaton, J., Barba, C., & Popp, E. (2000). Aiding Navy helicopter aircrews in handling mechanical fault emergencies. Proceedings of the 19th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Oct. 7-13.

Hitt, J., & Deaton, J. (2000). RSIGuard: A review. Ergonomics in Design, 8(4), 34-35.

Byington, C., Yukish, M., Scheie, E., Glenn, F., Deaton, J., & Dickieson, J. Evaluation of human-machine interfaces for aircrew fault diagnosis and management. (1999). Proceedings of the International Conference on Condition Monitoring. University of Wales Swansea, UK.

Deaton, J., Glenn, F., & Coury, B. (1999). The value of assistance: An onboard mechanical diagnostic interface for Navy rotorcraft. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting. Houston, TX: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Hitt, J., & Deaton, J. (1999). Design Ergonomics: A review. Ergonomics in Design, 7(2), 35-36.

Deaton, J., & Abbott, D. (1998). STATISTICA: A review. Ergonomics in Design, 6(2), 28-29.

Deaton, J., & Glenn, F. (1998a). The development of an automated monitoring system interface associated with aircraft condition. Proceedings of the Third Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference. Norfolk, VA.

Deaton, J., & Glenn, F. (1998b). The development of specifications for an automated monitoring system interface associated with aircraft condition. International Journal of Aviation Psychology. 9(2), 175-187.

Deaton, J., & Morrison, J. G. (1998). Aviation research and development: A framework for the effective practice of human factors (or what your mentor never told you a about a career in human factors....) In D. J. Garland, J. A. Wise, & V.D. Hopkin (Eds.), Aviation human factors. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Deaton, J., & Parasuraman, R. (1998). Age differences in sensory and cognitive vigilance using tactical symbolic displays. In I. Singh & R. Parasuraman (Eds.), Recent advances in cognition: A multi disciplinary perspective. New Delhi: Sage Press.

Mitchell, T., & Deaton, J. (1998). Ergo Health for Windows 97: A review. Ergonomics in Design, 6(4), 29-30.

Singh, I., Molloy, R., Mouloua, M., Deaton, J., & Parasuraman, R. (1998). Cognitive ergonomics of cockpit automation. In I. Singh & R. Parasuraman (Eds.), Recent advances in cognition: A multi disciplinary perspective. New Delhi: Sage Press.

Deaton, J., Glenn, F., Federman, P., Nickerson, G.W., Byington, C., Malone, R., Stout, R., Oser, R., & Tyler, R. (1997a). Mechanical fault management in Navy helicopters. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Albuquerque, NM: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Deaton, J., Glenn, F., Federman, P., Nickerson, G.W., Byington, C., Malone, R., Stout, R., Oser, R., & Tyler, R. (1997b). Aircrew response procedures to inflight mechanical emergencies. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Albuquerque, NM: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Deaton, J., & Parasuraman, R. (1997). Effects of task demands and age on vigilance and subjective workload. In Wendy A. Rogers (Ed.), Designing for an aging population: Ten years of human factors/ergonomics research. Anaheim, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Glenn, F., & Deaton, J.E. (1997). Aircrew awareness of aircraft condition. Proceedings of the Second Annual Tactical Situational Awareness Symposium. Patuxent River, MD: Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division.

Mattingly, B.L., Wise, J.A., Deaton, J.E., & Cunningham, J.M.. (1997). Passenger knowledge of airline safety icons: A cultural study. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH.

Neal, M.J., Wise, J.A., Deaton, J.E., & Garland, D.J. (1997). Evaluation of a display with both quickened and status information for control of a second order system during an ILS approach. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH.

Gilson, R., Deaton, J., & Mouloua, M. (1996). Coping with complex alarms. Ergonomics in Design, 4(4), 12-18.

Bliss, J., Deaton, J., & Gilson, R. (1995). Human probability matching behavior in response to alarms of varying reliability. Ergonomics, 38(11), 2300-2312.

Bowers, C., Deaton, J., Oser, R., Prince, C., & Kolb, M. (1995). The impact of automation on crew communication and performance. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 5(2), 145-167.

McDonald, D., Deaton, J., Gilson, R., & Mouloua, M. (1995). The effect of collateral alarms on primary response behavior. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, (pp. 1020-1024). San Diego, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Bliss, J., Deaton, J., & Gilson, R. (1994). The effect of reliability and criticality on alarm response performance. In M. Mouloua & R. Parasuraman (Eds.), Human performance in automated systems: Current research and trends. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Deaton, J. (January 1994). LifeGuard, an interactive computer safety tool: A review. Ergonomics in Design 39-40.

Deaton, J., Oser, R., Prince, C., Kolb, M, & Bowers, C. (1994). Effects of automation on aircrew communication. In M. Mouloua & R. Parasuraman (Eds.), Human performance in automated systems: Current research and trends. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Bowers, C., Deaton, J., Oser, R., & Prince, C. (1993). Distinguishing communication content and frequency differences between low and high performing crews in automated and non-automated conditions. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH.

Deaton, J. (April 1993). SPSS for windows: A review. Ergonomics in Design, 32-33.

Deaton, J., Hitchcock, E.M., & Warner, N. (1994). Human performance under high G environments: A comparison of upright and reclined seat configurations. SAFE Journal, 24(1), 19-30.

Deaton, J., & Parasuraman, R. (1993). Sensory and cognitive vigilance: Effects of age on performance and subjective workload. Human Performance, 6(1), 71-97.

Deaton, J., & Hitchcock, T. (1991). Reclined seating in advanced crewstations: Human performance considerations. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society. San Francisco, CA: Human Factors Society.

Gluckman, J., Morrison, J., & Deaton, J. (1991). Complex task performance as a basis for developing cognitive engineering guidelines in adaptive automation. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society. San Francisco, CA: Human Factors Society.

Morrison, J., Gluckman, J., & Deaton, J. (1991b). Human performance in complex task environments: A basis for the application of adaptive automation. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Aviation Psychology Symposium. Columbus, OH.

Deaton, J., & Barnes, M. (1990). An evaluation of the augie arrow as an aid to recovery from unusual attitudes. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society. Orlando, FL: Human Factors Society.

Deaton, J., Barnes, M., Kern, J., & Wright, D. (1990). Enhanced HUD symbology associated with recovery from unusual attitudes. Journal of Aerospace (Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions), 99(1), 1784-1791.

Deaton, J., Barnes, M., Lindsey, N., Greene, J., & Kern, J. (1989). The effect of windscreen bows and HUD pitch ladder format on pilot performance during simulated flight. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society. Denver, CO: Human Factors Society.

Deaton, J., & Parasuraman, R. (1988). Effects of task demands and age on vigilance and subjective workload. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society. Anaheim, CA: Human Factors Society.

Deaton, J. (1985). The psychology of aircraft mishap boards. Proceedings, 111, 105-107.

Deaton, J. (1983). Effectiveness of isolation in the reduction of cigarette smoking. Military Medicine, 148(9), 750-753.

Deaton, J. (1982). Periodic marital separation and accident potential. Fathom, 13(4), 16-20

Suedfeld, P., Deaton, J., & Ramirez, C. (1982). Reaction and attributes of prisoners in solitary confinement. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 9(3), 303-340.

Deaton, J. (1981). The psychology of survival. Approach, 27(5), 2-8.

Deaton, J., Berg, S., Richlin, M., & Litrownik, A. (1977). Coping activities in solitary confinement of U.S. Navy POWs in Vietnam. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 7(3), 239-257.

Recognition & Awards

Best Paper Award, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2006)
Winner of the Herman Salmon Technical Publications Award for best technical paper published in Cockpit, presented by the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (1992)
Navy Commendation Medal (1995)
National Defense Service Medal (1991)
Navy Achievement Medal (August 1986)
Selected as semi-finalist for NASA's Astronaut Training Program (1994)


Cross Cultural Training Knowledge Management Content Development.  Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, Patrick Air Force Base.  Cross-cultural competence measurement and training.

Airborne Ground Surveillance and Battle Management Systems—collaborative research effort with Northrop Grumman to identify an acceptable display design for a Man in the Loop test for detecting and determining whether airborne images contained surface minefields

Improving Air Ambulance Operations at Holmes Regional Medical Center—various human factors studies to improve current helicopter ambulance operations

Cultural Skills Training Using Game-based Training Environments.  Army project to develop virtual training program to assist military personnel learn the culture of another country.

G Induced Loss of Consciousness on Human Performance
Virtual Training Programs to Teach Cultural Familiarization to Iraqi Peacekeepers and First Responders to Catastrophic Natural Disasters
Cockpit Automation
Adaptive Automation
Development of New Cockpit Displays for Hydrogen Powered Aircraft
The Use of Flight Training Devices as Instructional Tools Toward Enhancing General Aviation Pilots’ Performance
The Use of Haptics in Aviation Applications

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