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请参考 教师简介编辑指南 if you have any questions or issues updating your profile. 如果您收到任何错误通知,请联系

Pengfei 越南盾

助理教授 | 生物医学工程与科学

(321) 674-3050
戈登L. 纳尔逊健康科学大楼,130室


08/2016- 05/2020



论文: Computer assisted stenting in heavily calcified coronary artery
























BME 3261生物材料和生物力学实验室


  1. Shokrollahi Y., 盾,P., Lam米., Suh D. W., & 顾左. (2022). Eye Protection for Mitigating Soccer-Related Ocular Injuries: A Finite Element Approach. Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, 5(4), 041003.
  2. 林,年代.普雷马拉吉,T. S.P. T., 盾,P., Premaraj,年代., & 顾左. (2022). Upper Airway Flow Dynamics in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients with Various Apnea-Hypopnea Index. 生活,12(7),1080.
  3. Shokrollahi Y., 盾,P., 卡亚米., Suh D. W., & 顾左. (2022). Rapid prediction of retina stress and strain patterns in soccer-related ocular injury: integrating finite element analysis with machine learning approach. 诊断,12(7),1530.
  4. Lam米., 盾,P., Shokrollahi Y., Suh D. W., & 顾左. (2022). Computational Modeling of Soccer Ball Trauma of the Eye and Comparison With Abusive Head Trauma. 调查眼科 & 视觉科学,2013 (7),692- 697.
  5. Lam米. R., 盾,P., Shokrollahi Y.古丽., & Suh D. W. (2022). Finite Element Analysis of Soccer Ball-Related Ocular and Retinal Trauma and Comparison With Abusive Head Trauma. 眼科学, 100129.
  6. Gharaibeh Y.李,J.齐敏,V. N.C . Kolluru.L .达拉斯. A.佩雷拉,G. T., ... & 威尔逊,维. L. (2022). Prediction of stent under-expansion in calcified coronary arteries using machine-learning on intravascular optical coherence tomography. arXiv预印本arXiv:2205.10354.
  7. 歌,H. H.索尔森,W. B., 盾,P., Shokrollahi Y.古丽., & Suh D. W. (2022). Exploring the Vitreoretinal Interface: a Key Instigator of Unique Retinal Hemorrhage Patterns in Pediatric Head Trauma. 中华眼科杂志,36(3),253-263.
  8. Dallan L. A.齐敏,V. N.李,J.Gharaibeh Y.Kim, J. N.佩雷拉,G. T., ... & Bezerra H. G. (2022). Assessment of post-dilatation strategies for optimal stent expansion in calcified coronary lesions: Ex vivo analysis with optical coherence tomography. 心血管血运重建医学.
  9. 郭,我.,高,Y.艾哈迈德,M., 盾,P., 高,Y., Gong, Z., ... & 张,我. (2022). Serum homocysteine level predictive capability for severity of restenosis post percutaneous coronary intervention. 药理学前沿,2013.
  10. Gamage P. T., 盾,P., 李,我.Gharaibeh Y.齐敏,V. N.L .达拉斯. A., ... & 顾左. (2021). Hemodynamic alternations following stent deployment and post-dilation in a severely calcified coronary artery: In silico and ex-vivo approaches. 生物学和医学中的计算机, 104962.
  11. 郭,我.,高,Y., Gong, Z., 盾,P., 毛,Y.,李,F., ... & 张,我. (2021). 血浆d -二聚体水平与年龄相关, 转移, 递归式, 肿瘤-淋巴结-转移分型(TNM), and Treatment of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients. 国际生物医学研究,2021.
  12. 施,W., 盾,P.库斯,M. A.古丽.基辅,F.金,H. J., & 段,B. (2021). Neuroinflammation: Design and Evaluation of an In Vitro Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Modeling System Using 3D Printed Mini Impact Device on the 3D 文化d Human iPSC Derived Neural Progenitor Cells (Adv. 医疗板牙. 12/2021). 高级医疗保健材料10(12), 2170059.
  13. 盾,P., Mozafari H.李,J.Gharaibeh Y.齐敏,V. N.L .达拉斯. A., ... & 顾左. (2021). Mechanical performances of balloon post-dilation for improving stent expansion in calcified coronary artery: Computational and experimental investigations. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical 材料, 104609.
  14. 苏萨,T.纽约州卡哈维市., 盾,P., 顾左.弗洛奇克,S., & 基肖尔,V. (2021). Optimization of Freeze-FRESH Methodology for 3D Printing of Microporous Collagen Constructs. 3D打印和增材制造.
  15. 施,W., 盾,P., 今年,M. A.古丽.基辅,F.金,H. J., & 段,B. (2021). Design and evaluation of an in vitro mild traumatic brain injury modeling system using 3D printed mini impact device on the 3D cultured human iPSC derived neural progenitor cells. 高级医疗保健材料, 2100180.
  16. 通,J.*, 盾,P.*, 基达,年代.盖特,D., & 顾左. (2021). Three-dimensional shape analysis of peripapillary retinal pigment epithelium-basement membrane layer based on OCT radial images. 纳米技术评论10(1), 453-464. (*平均出资)
  17. 林,年代.*, 盾,P.*, 周,C.L .达拉斯. A. P.齐敏,V. N.佩雷拉,G. T., ... & 顾左. (2020). Degradation modeling of poly-l-lactide acid (PLLA) bioresorbable vascular scaffold within a coronary artery. 纳米技术评论9(1), 1217-1226. (*平均出资)
  18. 郑,问., 盾,P., 李,Z.,吕,Y.,安,M., & 顾左. (2020). Braided composite stent for peripheral vascular applications. 纳米技术评论9(1), 1137-1146.
  19. 沈,X.江,J.朱华.,卢,K., 盾,P., & 顾左. (2020). Comparative study of tapered versus conventional cylindrical balloon for stent implantation in stenotic tapered artery. 人造器官.
  20. 盾,P., 你们,克.,卡娅,M., & 顾左. (2020). Simulation-Driven Machine Learning for Predicting Stent Expansion in Calcified Coronary Artery. 应用科学10(17), 5820.
  21. 盾,P.莫札法里,H.普拉布博士.Bezerra H. G.威尔逊,D. L., & 顾左. (2020). Optical Coherence Tomography-Based Modeling of Stent Deployment in Heavily Calcified Coronary Lesion. 生物力学工程学报142(5).
  22. 通,J.*, 盾,P.*, 基达,年代.盖特,D., & 顾左. (2020). Three-Dimensional Characterization of Peripapillary Retinal Pigment Epithelium-Basement Membrane Layer in Patients following Lumbar Puncture. 应用科学10(5), 1559. (*平均出资)
  23. 郑,问., 盾,P., 李,Z.汉,X.,周,C.,安,M., & 顾左. (2019). Mechanical characterizations of braided composite stents made of helical polyethylene terephthalate strips and NiTi wires. 纳米技术评论8(1), 168-174.
  24. 王,Y.*, 盾,P.*, 柯,我.沈,X., 李,Z., Ren, K., ... & 顾左. (2019). Experimental evaluation of self-expandable metallic tracheobronchial stents. 纳米技术评论8(1), 136-142. (*同样的贡献)
  25. 盾,P.Bezerra H. G.威尔逊,D. L., & 顾左. (2019). Impact of Calcium Quantifications on Stent Expansions. 生物力学工程学报141(2).
  26. Mozafari H., 盾,P., Ren, K.汉,X., & 顾左. (2019). Micromechanical analysis of bioresorbable PLLA/Mg composites coated with MgO: Effects of particle weight fraction, particle/matrix interface bonding strength and interphase. 复合材料B部分:工程162, 129-133.
  27. Mozafari H., 盾,P., Hadidi H.西利,M. P., & 顾左. (2019). Mechanical Characterizations of 3D-printed PLLA/Steel Particle Composites. 材料12(1), 1.
  28. Mozafari H., 盾,P., 赵,年代., Bi, Y.汉,X., & 顾左. (2018). Migration resistance of esophageal stents: The role of stent design. 生物学和医学中的计算机100, 43-49.
  29. Lei J., 盾,P., 李,Z.朱福.王,Z., & Cai, X. (2017). Biomechanical analysis of the fixation systems for anterior column and posterior hemi-transverse acetabular fractures. 骨科与创伤外科学报51(3), 248-253.

识别 & 奖


Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, since 2018

