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Linxia Gu

Professor | Biomedical Engineering and Science

Department Head | Biomedical Engineering and Science

Affiliate Faculty 工程与科学学院-机械与土木工程

Contact Information
(321) 674-8447
Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences- 132


Biomechanics, Stent-artery interaction, Abusive head trauma, Ocular injury, Multi-scale mechanical characterization

Personal Overview

Dr. 顾林霞于2019年8月搬到亚洲博彩平台. Prior to this, 她是内布拉斯加大学林肯分校机械与材料工程系的教授, 在那里她晋升为助理教授, Associate Professor with Tenure, and Professor. She received her Ph.D. 2004年12月获得佛罗里达大学机械工程学位. Dr. 他的研究专长是生物力学和生物材料,使用计算和实验方法. 具体应用领域包括血管力学和脑、眼的间接创伤性损伤. 她的团队对开发多尺度多物理模型来研究和利用组织反应和细胞机械转导特别感兴趣, 并获得关于力学和人体相互作用的新的机械见解. The multidisciplinary effort has resulted in > 130 journal papers, and $11 million research funding from NIH, NSF, ARO, and NASA. She is an elected fellow of ASME, NSF CAREER奖和UNL Edgerton创新研究奖获得者.

Educational Background

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida



Professional Experience

  • 08/2019-present
    • 生物医学工程/机械工程教授
  • 08/2019-08/2020
    • 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(UNL)机械与材料工程副教授
  • 03/2019
    • 升任UNL机械与材料工程教授,自2019年8月起生效
  • 08/2013-08/2019
    • 副教授,机械与材料工程,UNL
    • Area Chair of Biomedical Engineering
  • 11/2013-11/2016        
    • UNL工程学院生物医学工程博士项目研究生主席
  •  06/2009-08/2019
    • 内布拉斯加州材料与纳米科学中心(NCMN) & Center for Advanced Surgery Technology (CAST), U. Nebraska-Medical Center (UNMC)
  • 01/2009-08/2013 
    • 澳门大学机械与材料工程学系助理教授
  •  08/2006-12/2008
    • Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, SDSM&T

Current Courses


  • Capstone Design
  • Elements of Machine Design
  • Mechanical Engineering Design I
  • Advanced Machine Design
  • Statics
  • Mechanics of Solid
  • Biomechanics


  • Mechanics of Biomaterials (Developed New Course)
  • Vascular Mechanics (Developed New Course)

Selected Publications

  1. Lin, S. M., Lampi, M.C., Reinhart-King, C., Tsui, G.C.P., Wang, J., Nelson, C.A., and Gu, L.X., 2018. Eigenstrain as a Mechanical Set-Point of Cells. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechnobiology. 17(4), 951-959. DOI: 10.1007/s10237-018-1004-0   
  2. Hua*, Y., Wilson*, C.L., Lin, S.M., Dutta, D., Kidambi, S., Gu, L.X., 2018. Traumatic Injury of Astrocytes: An In Vitro Study. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 18(4), 1850040 (16 pages). DOI: 10.1142/S0219519418500409 (* Equal Contribution)
  3. Lin, S. M., Han, X.W., Bi, Y.H., Ju, S.Y., and Gu, L.X, 2017. 腹主动脉瘤的流固相互作用:建模技术的影响. 国际生物医学研究,文章编号7023078,10页. DOI: 10.1155/2017/7023078
  4. Lin, S. M., Han, X.W., Tsui, G.C.P., Hui, D., and Gu, L.X., 2017. 由肌动蛋白丝向束的结构转变主导的f -肌动蛋白网络的主动强化. Composites Part B-Engineering, 116, 377–381. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.10.079
  5. Hölzl, K.*, Lin, S.M.*, Tytgat, L., Van Vlierberghe, S., Gu, L.X., and Ovsianikov, A., 2016. 生物3D打印之前、期间和之后的生物墨水特性. Biofabrication. 8(2016) 032002, DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/8/3/032002  (* Equal Contribution)
  6. Zhao, S., and Gu, L.X., 2014. 高血压大鼠主动脉重构的实现与验证. 生物力学工程学报,136(9),091007(8页). DOI: 10.1115/1.4027939
  7. Hua, Y., Akula, P., Gu, L.X., Berg, J., and Nelson, C.A., 2014. 爆震波通过代理封头传播机理的实验与数值研究,计算与非线性动力学学报,9(3),031010(9页). DOI: 10.1115/1.4026156
  8. Zhao, S., Gu, L.X., and Froemming, S.R., 2012. 论支架过程建模对动脉力学预测的重要性. 生物机械工程学报-美国机械工程师学会学报,134,121005(6页). DOI: 10.1115/1.4023094.

Recognition & Awards

  • 美国机械工程师学会院士(2016),研究与开发类
  • 艾哲顿创新奖(2013),UNL工程学院
  • 美国国家科学基金会教师早期职业发展奖(2013)
  • 亚洲博彩平台奖(2015),UNL工程学院
  • Outstanding Service Award (2014), Material and Nanoscience Educational Outreach, Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience.
  • Recognition for Contribution to Students, UNL Teaching Council and Parents Association, Academic Year 2009-10 & 2010-11
  • “五进三”比赛大奖:“增强活动能力的身体康复预防跌倒装置”, 2014 Design of Medical Devices (DMD) Conference.
  • 主题演讲(2015):“动脉重塑力学”, 第23届国际复合材料/纳米工程会议(ICCE-23), Chengdu, China, 2015.
  • Most read paper as featured in Biofabrication website and the corresponding twitter (2018-3-23); also included in a special issue on bioinks (2018-12):“生物3D打印之前、期间和之后的生物墨水特性”. 
  • 《亚洲博彩平台》(2017)专题报道:“轴向破碎下双面波纹管的可控能量吸收”.
  • 生物医学进展(2017):“腹主动脉瘤的流固相互作用:建模技术的影响”,因为它的创新和潜在的重大影响.
  • Featured by U.S. Medicine, BTN LiveBig (2015):《亚洲博彩平台》为路边炸弹爆炸如何损伤大脑提供了新的思路
  • NSF Discovery和NSF Science 360 News Service(2014)专题报道:支架植入术后细胞和组织改变的研究
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