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Md Selim Habib

Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Contact Information


1. Nonlinear fiber optics 2. Ultrafast nonlinear optics 3. Optoelectronics 4. Fiber sensors

Educational Background

Ph.D., Electrical and Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2017

M.Sc., Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, 2012

B.Sc., Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, 2009

Professional Experience

Dr. Habib is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Institute of Technology, FL, USA. Before becoming a part of FIT, he held positions as an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at Florida Polytechnic University, FL, USA from 2019-2023. Additionally, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at CREOL, University of Central Florida, FL, USA from 2017-2019, where he developed, designed, and fabricated unique ultra low-loss hollow-core optical fibers, studied and experimentally demonstrated several novel ultrafast nonlinear optics phenomena. His research mainly focuses on computational electromagnetics, emerging optical fiber design, fabrication, and characterization, and ultrafast nonlinear optics. He has published more than 50 articles in refereed journals with over 2600 citations and an h-index of 27.

Dr. Habib is a Senior Member of Optica (formerly OSA) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Executive officer of OSA Fiber modeling and Fabrication group. Dr. Habib is an Associate Editor of IEEE Access, Feature Editor of Applied Optics (OSA), and guest editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. He received the University Gold Medal Award from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology in 2014.

Current Courses

ECE 5350 Optical Electronic

ECE 5351 Fiber Optic Comm Systems

ECE 5370 Special Topics in Photonics

ECE 2111 Circuit Theory 1


Selected Publications

Journal articles:

  1. M. Mahfuz, M. Selim Habib, Enhanced inhibited mode-coupling: Multi-mode hollow-core anti-resonant fiber designs accepted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2024).
  2. H. Herring, M. Selim Habib, Single-polarization Hybrid Hollow-core Anti-resonant Fiber Designs at 2 μm IEEE Photonics Journal 16, 7100806 (2024).
  3. Y. Jewani, M. Petry, Rei Sanchez-Aria, M. Selim Habib, Accurate loss prediction of realistic hollow-core anti-resonant fibers using machine learning IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 30, 4300808 (2024).
  4. M. Petry, M. Selim Habib, Random design variations of hollow-core anti-resonant fibers: A Monte-Carlo study accepted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2024).
  5. Reinaldo Sanchez-Arias, M. Selim Habib, Luis Jaimes, and Shahram Taj, Understanding the State of Broadband Connectivity: An Analysis of Speedtests and Emerging Technologies IEEE Access 11, 101580 (2023).
  6. Xiaowen Hu, Jian Zhao, Stefan Gausmann, M. Selim Habib et al., Genetic-algorithm-based Design of Large-mode-area All-solid Anti-resonant Fiber with Normal Dispersion and Single-mode Operation in the 2 μm Wavelength Region IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 41, 4815 (2023).
  7. Stefan Gausmann, Xiaowen Hu, Jian Zhao, M. Selim Habib et al., Tunable Dispersion and Supercontinuum Generation in Disordered Glass-air Anderson Localization Fiber IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 41, 2484 (2023).
  8. M. Petry, R. Amezcua-correa, M. Selim Habib, Random misalignment and anisotropic deformation of the nested cladding elements in hollow-core anti-resonant fibers Optics Express 30, 34712 (2022).
  9. M. Selim Habib, Abubakar I. Adamu, C. Markos, R. Amezcua-correa Enhanced bire-fringence in conventional and hybrid anti-resonant hollow-core fibers Optics Express 29, 3359 (2021).
  10. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, R. Amezcua-correa Impact of cladding elements on the loss performance of hollow-core anti-resonant fibers Optics Express 29, 3359 (2021).
  11. Y. Wang, Abubakar I. Adamu, M. K. Dasa, J. E. A. Lopez, M. Selim Habib et al., Noise performance and long-term stability of near- and mid-IR gas-filled fiber Raman lasers IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 3350 (2021).
  12. Abubakar I. Adamu, Y. Wang, M. Selim Habib et al., Multi-wavelength high energy gas-filled fiber Raman laser spanning from 1.53 μm to 2.4 μm Optics Letters 46, 452 (2021) [Highlighted in LaswerFocusWorld].
  13. Jakeya Sultana, Md. Saiful Islam, C. M. B. Cordeiro, M. Selim Habib et al., Hollow Core Inhibited Coupled Antiresonant Terahertz Fiber: A Numerical and Experimental
    Study IEEE Transection of Terahertz Science & Technology 11, 245 (2021).
  14. J. Sultana, M S. Islam, C. M. B. Cordeiro, M. Selim Habib, A. Dinovitser, Brian. W.-H. Ng, D. Abbott Exploring low loss and single Mode in antiresonant tube lattice terahertz fibers IEEE Access 8, 113309 (2020).
  15. M. S. Hossain, S. M. Abdur Razzak, C. Markos, N. H. Hai, M. Selim Habib, M. Samiul Habib Novel hollow-core asymmetric conjoined-tube anti-resonant fiber for low-loss THz wave guidance IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 7202109 (2020).
  16. M. A. Mollah, M. Samiul Habib, M. Selim Habib Novel hollow-core asymmetric conjoined-tube anti-resonant fiber for low-loss THz wave guidance OSA Continuum 3, 1169–1176 (2020).
  17. Abubakar I. Adamu, M. Selim Habib et al., Noise and spectral stability of deep-UV gas-filled fiber-based supercontinuum sources driven by ultrafast mid-IR pulses Scientific Reports 10, 4912 (2020) [Editor Choice].
  18. S. Gausmann, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, J. Anderson, S. Wittek, S. Eznaveh, H. Jang, M. Selim Habib et al., S2 measurements showing suppression of higher order modes in confined rare earth doped large core fibers IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 1953 (2020).
  19. N. Y. Wang, M. K. Dasa, Abubakar I. Adamu, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, M. Selim Habib et al., High pulse energy and quantum efficiency mid-infrared gas Raman fiber laser targeting CO2 absorption at 4.2 μm Optics Letters 45, 1938 (2020).
  20. N. Wang, J. C. A. Zacarias, M. Selim Habib et al., Mode-selective few-mode Brillouin fiber lasers based on intramodal and intermodal SBS Optics Letters 45, 2323 (2020).
  21. N. Wang, I. Kim, O. Vassilieva, T. Ikeuchi, H. Wen, J. E. A. Lopez, J. C. A. Zacarias, H. Liu, S. Fan, M. Selim Habib et al., Low-crosstalk few-mode EDFAs using retro-reflection for single-mode fiber trunk lines and networks Optics Express 27, 35962 (2019) [Editor’s Pick].
  22. Abubakar I. Adamu, M. Selim Habib et al., Deep-UV to Mid-IR supercontinuum generation driven by Mid-IR ultrashort pulses in a gas-filled hollow-core fiber Scientific Reports 9, 4446 (2019).
  23. M. Selim Habib, J. E. A. Lopez, C. Markos, A. Schulzgen, R. Amezcua Correa Single-mode, low loss hollow-core anti-resonant fiber designs Optics Express 27, 3824 (2019).
  24. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, J. E. A. Lopez, R. Amezcua Correa Multi-octave super-continuum from visible to midIR and Bend Effects on Ultrafast Nonlinear Dynamics in Gas-filled Hollow-core Fiber Applied Optics 58, D7 (2019) [Editor's Pick].
  25. X. Ding, M. Selim Habib, R. Amezcua Correa, J. Moses Near-octave intense mid-infrared by adiabatic down-conversion in hollow anti-resonant hollow fiber Optics Letters 44, 1084 (2019).
  26. M. Bache, M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, J Lægsgaard Poor-mans model of hollow-core anti-resonant fibers JOSA B 36, 69 (2019).
  27. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, R. Amezcua Correa, O. Bang, M. Bache Multi-stage generation of extreme ultraviolet dispersive waves by tapering gas-filled hollow-core anti-resonant fibers Optics Express 26, 24357 (2018).
  28. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, O. Bang, M. Bache Soliton-plasma nonlinear dynamics in mid-IR gas-filled hollow-core fibers Optics Letters 42, 2232 (2017).
  29. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache Low-loss single-mode hollow-core fiber with anisotropic anti-resonant elements Optics Express 24, 8429 (2016).
  30. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache Low-loss hollow-core anti-resonant fibers with semi-circular nested tubes IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 22, 4402106 (2016).
  31. R. Islam, M. Selim Habib, G. K. M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Rana, M. Anwar Sadath Novel porous fiber based on dual-asymmetry for low-loss polarization maintaining THz wave guidance Optics Letters 41, 440 (2016).
  32. R. Islam, M. Selim Habib, G. K. M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Rana, C. Markos A novel low loss diamond-core porous fiber for polarization maintaining terahertz transmission IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28, 1537 (2016).
  33. G .K. M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Rana, M. Selim Habib A novel low loss, highly birefringent photonic crystal fiber in THz regime IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28, 899 (2016).
  34. G. K. M. Hasanuzzaman, M. Selim Habib, S. M. Abdur Razzak, M. Anwar Hossain, Y. Namihira Low loss single mode porous-core kagome photonic crystal fiber for THz wave guidance IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 33, 4027 (2015).
  35. R. Islam, M. Selim Habib, G. K. M. Hasanuzzaman, R. Ahmad, S. Rana, S. Felix Kaijage Extremely high-birefringent asymmetric slotted-core photonic crystal fiber in THz regime IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27, 2222 (2015).
  36. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache Low-loss hollow-core silica fibers with adjacent nested anti-resonant tubes Optics Express 23, 17394 (2015).

Conference proceedings:

  1. M. Petry, M. Selim Habib Fabrication performance of nested hollow-core fibers with perturbed cladding structures SPIE Photonics West, 31 Jan–2 February, 2023, San Francisco, USA.
  2. M. Petry, C. Markos, R. Amezcua-Correa, M. Selim Habib Multi-mode guidance in enhanced inhibited coupling hollow-core anti-resonant fibers CLEO/USA Conference, 15–20 May, 2022, San Jose, USA.
  3. M. Petry, M. Selim Habib Random cladding misalignments and anisotropic deformations in nested hollow-core fibers Specialty Optical Fibers, 24–28 July, 2022, Maas-
    tricht,Limburg Netherlands.
  4. M. A Cooper, A. Flores, S. Wittek, M. Selim Habib, Bend insensitive low-NA segmented trench fiber design for high power fiber lasers Applications of Lasers for
    Sensing and Free Space Communications, 11–15 December, 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
  5. M. Petry, M. Selim Habib Analyzing random design imperfection in hollow-core anti-resonant fibers Photonic Networks and Devices, 24–28 July, 2022, Maastricht,Limburg Netherlands.
  6. M. Petry, M. Selim Habib Impact of random structural perturbations on hollow-Core anti-Resonant fibers IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, 11-13 July, 2022, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
  7. Y. Wang, M. K Dasa, A. I Adamu, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, M. Selim Habib, Mid-IR gas-filled hollow-core fiber lasers based on Raman gases CLEO/Europe Conference, 21–25 June , 2021, Munich, Germany.
  8. Y. Wang, A. I Adamu, M. Selim Habib, Frequency comb-like high energy gas-filled fiber Raman laser spanning from 1.68 μm to 2.4 μm CLEO/USA Conference, 9-14 May, 2021, San Jose, USA.
  9. Y. Wang, A. I. Adamu, M. K. Dasa, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, M. Selim Habib, Stability performance of active gas-filled hollow-core antiresonant fiber lasers CLEO/USA Conference, 9-14 May, 2021, San Jose, USA.
  10. M. Selim Habib Energetic blue-shifted DW emission in multi-mode gas-filled hollow-core fibers IEEE Photonics Conference, 18–21 Oct., 2021, Vancouver, Canada.
  11. M. Petry, M. Selim Habib Anisotropic nested hollow-core fiber designs IEEE Photonics Conference, 18–21 Oct., 2021, Vancouver, Canada.
  12. Y. Wang, M. K. Dasa, Abubakar I. Adamu, J. E Antonio-Lopez, M. Selim Habib et al., Mid-IR gas-filled Raman fiber laser at 4.22 μm with high pulse energy and efficiency Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources, 16-20 November 2020, Washington DC, USA
  13. M. Selim Habib, M. S. Ullah Ultra-low loss single-mode hollow-core fiber designs IEEE Photonics Conference, 28 Sep.–01 Oct., 2020, Vancouver, Canada.
  14. M. Selim Habib Influence of bending on ultrafast nonlinear dynamics in gas-filled hollow-core fiber IEEE Photonics Conference, 28 Sep.–01 Oct., 2020, Vancouver, Canada.
  15. S. Gausmann, M. Selim Habib et al., Ytterbium doped multicore fiber saturable absorber for high energy ultrafast fiber lasers SPIE Photonics West, 1–6 February, 2020, San Francisco, USA.
  16. Abubakar I. Adamu, M. Selim Habib et al., Multioctave supercontinuum generation from deep-UV to mid-IR in a noble gas-filled fibers SPIE Photonics West, 2–5 February, 2019, San Francisco, USA [Invited talk].
  17. Abubakar I. Adamu, I. Bravo Gonzalo, M. Selim Habib et al., Deep-UV dispersive wave generation in a gas-filled fiber pumped with mid-IR pulses SPIE Photonics West, 2–5 February, 2019, San Francisco, USA.
  18. Abubakar I. Adamu, M. Kumar Dasa, M. Selim Habib et al., Towards an all-fiber system for detection and monitoring of ammonia SPIE Photonics West, 2–5 February, 2019, San Francisco, USA [Outstanding Paper Award].
  19. N. Wang, J. C. Alvarado-Zacarias, M. Selim Habib, Anisotropic Anti-resonant Elements gives Broadband Single-mode Low-loss Hollow-core Fibers CLEO/USA Conference, 05–10 May, 2019, San Jose, USA.
  20. M. Selim Habib, Single mode, low-Loss 5-tube nested hollow-core anti-resonant fiber Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), 3–7 March, 2019, San Diego, California, USA.
  21. Abubakar I. Adamu, M. Selim Habib et al., Supercontinuum generation from deep-UV to mid-IR in a noble gas-filled fiber pumped with ultrashort mid IR pulses Advanced Photonics Congress, 2–5 July, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland [Postdeadline paper].
  22. M. Bache, M. Selim Habib et al., Extending the UV supercontinuum by tapering gas-filled hollow-core anti-resonant fibers Advanced Photonics Congress, 2–5 July, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland.
  23. M. Selim Habib, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Van Newkirk, J. C. A. Zacarias, A. Schülzgen, R. Amezuca-Correa, C. Markos, O. Bang, M. Bache Toward single-mode UV to near-IR guidance using hollow-core anti-resonant silica fiber CLEO/Europe Conference, 25–29 June, 2017, Munich, Germany.
  24. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, O. Bang, M. Bache Curvature and position of nested tubes in hollow-core anti-resonant fibers CLEO/Europe Conference, 25–29 June, 2017, Munich, Germany.
  25. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, O. Bang, M. Bache Generation of multiple VUV dispersive waves using a tapered gas-filled hollow-core anti-resonant fiber CLEO/Europe Conference, 25–29 June, 2017, Munich, Germany.
  26. M. Selim Habib, C. Markos, O. Bang, M. Bache Multiple soliton compression stages in mid-IR gas-filled hollow-core fibers CLEO/Europe Conference, 25–29 June, 2017, Munich, Germany.
  27. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache Anisotropic Anti-resonant Elements gives Broad-band Single-mode Low-loss Hollow-core Fibers CLEO/USA Conference, 05–10 June, 2016, San Jose, USA.
  28. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache Low loss double-clad hollow core anti-resonant fibers in the mid-IR CLEO/Europe Conference, 21–25 June, 2015, Munich, Germany.
  29. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache Improved low-loss hollow core anti-resonant silica mid-IR fibers CLEO/Europe Conference, 21–25 June, 2015, Munich, Germany.
  30. M. Selim Habib, O. Bang, M. Bache A novel highly birefringent photonic crystal fiber for THz wave guidance CLEO/Europe Conference, 21–25 June, 2015, Munich, Germany.
  31. M. Anwar Hossain, G. K. M. Hasanuzzaman, M. Selim Habib, S.M. Abdur Razzak, Y. Namihira Extremely low loss THz guidance using kagome lattice porous core pho-
    tonic crystal fiber Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2015, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Recognition & Awards

  1. SPIE outstanding paper award, 2019
  2. Selected for top 2% scientist list
  3. University gold medal award, 2009
  4. Senior member, Optica
  5. Senior member, IEEE



My current research focuses on:

  • Computational Electromagnetics
  • Emerging Optical Fiber Design, Fabrication, and Characterization
  • Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics (mostly multi-mode regime)
  • High Power Fiber Lasers
  • Machine Learning in Optics

If you are interested in working with emerging photonics technologies and has strong background in photonics, please send me your CV and transcript at


Public Policy Program and Outreach:

  • 2021: Selected for OSA Congressional Visits Day Advocacy Program Capitol Hill
  • 2020: Selected for OSA Congressional Visits Day Advocacy Program Capitol Hill
  • Judge: Science Fair Competition, Bright Horizons Academy (K–2 to K–8), Melbourne,
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