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Pallav Ray

Associate Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

Contact Information

Personal Overview

I work on tropical climate dynamics and its variability using observations, models, and theory.  For Ph.D. in Meteorology, you will need to apply to the Environmental Science or Oceanography Ph.D. program.   Please go to my research website (see the above link) for more details.

If you are a prospective graduate student (MS or Ph.D.) or looking for a postdoc position, please feel free to contact me. I have openings for 1 PhD student, and 1 postdoc (as of July 2024).

Educational Background

Ph.D. (Meteorology and Physical Oceanography), RSMAS, U of Miami, Miami, FL. 

M.S. (Engineering), Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS), Indian Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore.

B.E. (Civil), Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

Professional Experience

Postdoctoral Fellow (Institutional), IPRC, University of Hawaii

Post-doctoral Associate, RSMAS, University of Miami

Visiting Scientist, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Division, NCAR, Boulder

Graduate Student Fellow, Advanced Study Program (ASP), NCAR, Boulder

Additional Duties

2024 Co-convenor AGU session AOS012 Coupled ocean-atmosphere processes in the tropical Pacific: Physical and biogeochemical dynamics and interactions

2023-present DOE RUBISCO soil moisture working group

2022-present Faculty Senate represeatative

2021-2022 AGU's ICON (Integrated, Coordinated, Open and Networked) team member

UCAR member representative; Faculty Senate Representative; Academic Policies committee, Faculty Hiring committee

2018  Co-Chair for “Intraseasonal Variability and MJO IV” (sessions 13A) at the 33rd  Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 2018, Jacksonville, FL

2016  Co-Organizer, Intraseasonal variability, AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, Puerto Rico.

2016  Co-Chair, Intraseasonal variability, AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, Puerto Rico.

2016  Co-Organizer, MJO symposium, AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

2016  Co-Chair, tropics extratropics interactions, AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Reviewer of several scientific journals including  Atmosphere-Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate Dynamics, GRL, JAS, JAMES, J Climate, JGR, MAP, QJRMS, Sci Rep, among others.

Reviewer for several funding agencies.

Current Courses

Numerical Weather Prediction (Grad); Climatology (Undergrad); Atmospheric Dynamics (UG); Dynamic Meteorology (G); Tropical Meteorology (G)

Selected Publications

email if you want a pdf of any papers.

* represents students. 


In Review:

Tewari et al., 2024: Projected surge in social vulnerability and cooling energy demand over warmer and urbanized Greater Houston region,

Bezerra et al., 2024: Simultaneous drought and heatwave events during austral summer in northeast Brazil, 

Zermeño-Díaz D. and P. Ray, 2024: Improvements in the seasonal prediction of the Mid-Summer Drought based on the North American Multimodel Ensemble,

Cavalcante et al., 2024: Evaluation of easterly wave disturbances over the southern tropical Atlantic in CMIP6 models,

Vasu*, S.P., P. Ray, N. C. Johnson, E. I. Nikolopoulos, and S. Lestari, 2024: Exploring the spatiotemporal variations in soil moisture and its dependence on climate drivers in the Maritime Continent,



Tan, H., R. Kotamarthi, and P. Ray, 2024: Estimation of surface sensible heat flux due to precipitation over CONUS and its impact on urban extreme precipitation modeling, J. Hydrometeorology, 25, 413-424.

Tewari, M., X. Zhou*, P. Ray,  L. Treinish, J. Dudhia, and F. Chen, 2024: Model sensitivity in predicting extreme precipitation events in urban areas: a case study over Beijing, Atmos. Res., 311, 107719.

Zhou*, X., P. Ray, H. Tan, J. Dudhia, R.S. Ajayamohan, H. Gomes, and Y. Pan, 2024: Rain-induced surface sensible heat flux reduces monsoonal rainfall over India, Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (14), e2023GL107796.

(this paper was featured on the cover of GRL ); (this paper was also featured on NOAA’s website )



Resmi, E.A., B. Preethi, R.S. Ajayamohan, P. Ray, C.K. Unnikrishnan, S. Nita, R.K. Sumesh, and J. Dhamadas, 2023: Analysis of localized features during wet and dry rainfall episodes over southern tip of India, Int. J. Climatology, 1-20.

Roose R., R.S. Ajayamohan, P. Ray, S.-P. Xie, C.T. Sabeerali, M. Mohapatra, S. Taraphdar, K. Mohankumar, and M. Rajeevan, 2023: Pacific Decadal Oscillation causes fewer near-equatorial cyclones in the north Indian Ocean, Nature Communication, 14, 5099 (2023).

 Tewari, M., Z. Wang, D. Chen, Q.-V. Doan, H. Kusaka, P. Ramamurthy, and P. Ray, 2021: Extreme weather forecasting in urban areas, Astitha and Nikolopoulos, Ed., Extreme Weather Forecasting: State of science, uncertainty and impacts. Elsevier, pp-358.



Tewari, M., C. M. Kishtawal, V.W. Moriarty, P. Ray, T. Singh, L. Zhang, and L. Treinish, 2022: Improved seasonal prediction of harmful algal blooms using large-scale climate indices, (Nature) Comm in Earth and Env3, 195,

Xie, J., P-C Hsu, P. Ray, K. Li, and W. Yu, 2022: Mechanism of MJO-modulated triggering on the rainy season onset over the Indian subcontinent, Mon. Wea. Rev., 150 (8), 1937-1951.

Zhou, X., P. Ray, B. Barrett, and P-C Hsu, 2022: Systematic improvement in simulated surface latent and sensible heat fluxes over tropical oceans in AMIP6 models compared to AMIP5 with the same horizontal resolutions, Atmospheric Research, 274, 106214,

Roose, S., R.S. Ajayamohan, P. Ray, P.R. Mohan, and K. Mohankumar, 2022: ENSO influence on Bay of Bengal cyclogenesis confined to low latitudes, (Nature) npj Climate and Atmos. Sci., 5, 31,

Tewari, M., F. Chen, J. Dudhia, P. Ray, S.G. Miao, E. Nikolopoulos, and L. Treinish, 2022: Understanding the sensitivity of WRF hindcast of Beijing extreme rainfall of 21 July 2012 to microphysics and model initial time, Atmospheric Research, 271, 106085, 

Blanken, P.D., D. Brunet, C. Dominguez, S. Goousaud Oger, S. Hussain, M. Jain, G. Koren, Y. Mu, P. Ray, P. Saxena, S. Sonwani, and D. Sur, 2022: Atmospheric Science perspective on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) science, Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002204.

Tan, H.*, P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, J. Dudhia, and M. W. Moncrieff, L. Zhang, and D. Zermano-Diaz, 2022: Understanding the role of topography on the diurnal cycle of precipitation in the Maritime Continent during MJO propagation,  Climate Dynamics, 58, 3003-3019,



Ramos*, C.G.M., H. Tan*, P. Ray, and J. Dudhia, 2021: Estimates of the sensible heat of rainfall in the tropics from reanalysis and observations, Int. J. Climatol., 1-14,

Ray P., X. Zhou*, H. Tan*, J. Dudhia, and M.W. Moncrieff, 2021: Improved simulation of the mid-latitude climate in a new channel model compared to contemporary GCMs, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL093297.

Barrett, B. S., C. R. Densmore*, P. Ray, and E. R. Sanabia, 2021: Active and weakening MJO events in the Maritime Continent. Climate Dynamics

Tan, H.*, P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, J. Dudhia, and M. W. Moncrieff, 2021: Systematic patterns in land precipitation due to convection in neighboring islands in the Maritime Continent during MJO propagation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126, e2020JD033465. (special issue on Years of Maritime continent or YMC).

Ray, P., H. Tan*, M. Tewari, J. Brownlee*, R. S. Ajayamohan, and B. S. Barrett, 2021: Role of advection on near-surface temperature and wind in urban-aware simulations, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 60 (2), 201-221,

Selected Papers (2020 And Earlier)

Zhou*, X., P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, and P-C Hsu, 2020: Understanding the bias in surface latent and sensible heat fluxes in contemporary AGCMS over tropical oceans,  Climate Dynamics , 55, 2957-2978,

Mittal, R., M. Tewari, C. Radhakrishnan, P. Ray, T Singh, and A. Nickerson*, 2019: Response of tropical cyclone Phailin (2013) in the Bay of Bengal to climate perturbations,. Climate Dynamics,, 

Zhou*, X., P. Ray,  K. Boykin*, B. S. Barrett, and P-C Hsu , 2019: Evaluation of surface radiative fluxes over  the tropical oceans in AMIP simulations, Atmosphere, 10(10), 606.

Tan*, H., P. Ray, M. Tewari, J. Brownlee*, and R. S. Ajayamohan, 2019: Response of near-surface meteorological conditions to advection under the impact of green roof, Atmosphere, 10(12), 759. 

Tan, H.*, P. Ray, B. S. Barrett, M. Tewari, and M. W. Moncrieff, 2018: Role of topography on the MJO in the Maritime Continent: a numerical case study. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4275-3. 

Brownlee* J., P. Ray, M. Tewari, and H. Tan* (2017): Relative role of turbulent and radiative flux on the near-surface temperatures in a single-layer urban canopy model over Houston, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 56, 2173-2187. 

Y. Zhang and P. Ray (Ed.), 2014: Climate change and regional/local response, Intech Publisher, ISBN 978-953-51-1132-0, pp 247.

Collins, S., R. James, P. Ray, K. Chen*, A. Lassman*, and J. Brownlee*, 2014: Grids in numerical weather and climate models, In Y. Zhang and P. Ray (Ed.) Climate change and regional/local responses, ISBN 978-953-51-1132-0, 111-128. [Abstract]

Ray, P., and T. Li, 2013: Relative roles of the circumnavigating waves and the extratropics on the MJO and its relationship with the mean state, J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 876-893. 

Ray, P., 2012: Mean state and the MJO in a high-resolution nested regional climate model, In I. Yucel (Ed.) Atmospheric Model Applications, InTech Open Access Publisher, pp 69-84, ISBN: 979-953-307-335-3.

Ray, P., C. Zhang, J. Dudhia, T. Li, and M. W. Moncrieff, 2012: Tropical channel model, In L. M. Druyan (Ed.) Climate Models, InTech Open Access Publisher, pp 3-18, ISBN: 978-953-308-181-6.

McNeely, S., and Coauthors, 2012: Catalyzing frontiers in water-climate-society research: A view from early career scientists and junior faculty, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 93, 477-484, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00221.1 

Ray, P., C. Zhang, M. W. Moncrieff, J. Dudhia, J. Caron, L. R. Leung, and C. Bruyere, 2011: Role of the atmospheric mean state on the initiation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in a tropical channel model, Clim. Dyn., 36(1), 661-184, doi: 10.1007/s00382-010-0859-2

Ray, P., and C. Zhang, 2010: A case study of the mechanics of extratropical influence on the initiation of the Madden-Julian oscillation, J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 515-528, doi: 10.1175/2009JAS3059.1 

Ray, P., C. Zhang, J. Dudhia, and S. S. Chen, 2009: A numerical case study on the initiation of the Madden-Julian oscillation, J. Atmos. Sci., 66, 310-331, doi: 10.1175/2008JAS2701.1


My research is funded by DOE, NASA, NOAA, and ONR in one of the following areas: 

Tropical meteorology: large-scale dynamics, variability, and change. Land-air-sea Interactions. Weather and climate of the Maritime Continent

Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO): Initiation, organization and propagation; Role of topography and land-sea contrast on MJO. 

Tropics-extratropics interactions and predictability: Role of extratropics on the MJO; Influence of the MJO on mid-latitude circulation;

Surface heat flux in the tropics: observations and modeling; diurnal cycle; role on MJO

Urban climate: surface energy budget, role of urbanization on land-sea breeze;

Tropical Cyclones: Near-equatorial cyclones; MJO influence on tropical cyclones;

Regional climate modeling: Tropical and Mid-latitude channel models;

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