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Andy K. Stanfield

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Arts and Communication

Contact Information

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Instructional Design and Development (December 2014)

University of South Alabama

Dissertation Title: The Effect of Structured Oral Translation on Syntactic Complexity and User Experience

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John V. Dempsey


Master of Arts in Creative Writing (May 2001)

University of South Alabama


Master of Arts in English (December 1997)

Jacksonville State University

Field: American Literature


Bachelor of Arts in English (December 1992)

Jacksonville State University

Major: English and History with a minor in Political Science

Current Courses

COM 1101

COM 1102

HUM 2051

HUM 2052

HUM 3900


Dr. Stanfield is currently researching the effect of course design on motivation and performance, educational games as part of the course structure, and best practices in teaching writing.


Rattler’s Bluff: 2018 Remix, Smashwords, October 2018.

Global Tribal, Smashwords, September 2018.

The Antlered Queen, Smashwords, October 2016.

D.E., or Dungeon Expedition, Smashwords, November 2011.

Zen Smoking: A Mock Epic with Stock Character, Smashwords, July 2011.

The Battle of Rattler’s Bluff, Smashwords, July 2011.

Deep Orange, Smashwords, June 2011.

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