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Munevver Mine Subasi

Faculty | College of Engineering and Science - Mathematics and Systems Engineering

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs | Florida Institute of Technology

Contact Information
(321) 674-7486
Jerome P. Keuper Building, Room 232

Personal Overview

Dr. Subasi’s research interests lie primarily in the area of machine learning, stochastic programming, including two-stage/multistage problems with probabilistic constraints, the convexity theory of probabilistic constrained stochastic programming problems, probability bounding problem, multivariate discrete unimodality, and their applications to medicine and finance.

Her most recent research projects include the identification of genomic, clinical and environmental factors associated with human diseases. This includes risk stratification of chronic kidney disease patients as part of “African-American Study of Chronic Kidney Disease with Hypertension” funded by National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation REU Program; identification of molecular subtypes of melanoma, funded by National Science Foundation REU Program; and identification of biomarkers associated with drug resistance in breast cancer, funded by the Community Foundation of Brevard’s Kenneth R. Finken and Dorothy Hallam Finken Endowment Fund. In the area of optimization, she investigates new methods to solve large-scale optimization problems where uncertainty is naturally inherent. 

Educational Background

B.S.    Mathematics, 1997

          Cukurova University, Adana, TURKEY

M.S.    Mathematics, 1999

           Cukurova University, Adana, TURKEY

           Thesis Title: Lie Algebras, Programs and Applications
           Advisor: Dr. Naime Ekici
           Area of Study: Lie Algebras

Ph.D.   Operations Research, 2008

            Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

            Dissertation Title: New Results in Probability Bounding, A Convexity Statement and Unimodality of Multivariate Discrete Distributions
            Advisor: Dr. Andras Prekopa
            Area of Study: Stochastic Programming

Post-doc Operations Research and Bioinformatics, 2008-2010

            RUTCOR, Rutgers Center for Operations Research, New Jersey, USA

            Mentors: Dr. Endre Boros and Dr. Andras Prekopa

            BioMaPS Institute, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

            Mentor: Dr. Gyan Bhanot

Professional Experience

  • Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Florida Institute of Technology, June 2022-present
  • Assistant Provost, Florida Institute of Technology, June 2021-May 2021
  • Department Head, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, April 2019-May 2021
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, August 2016 - present
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, August 2010 - July 2016
  • Research Associate, BioMaPS Institute, Rutgers University, September 2009 - June 2010
  • Post-doctoral Fellow, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, September 2008 - June 2009
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University, June 2008 - June 2010
  • Teaching Assistant, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, September 2001 - May 2008
  • Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University, Summer 2003 - Summer 2008
  • Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Cukurova University, September 1997 - June 2000

Additional Duties

  • Faculty Advisor of Florida Institute of Technology Chapter of SIAM: 2012-2019
  • SACS Assessment Coordinator - Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • APAC Representative - College of Engineering and Science

Current Courses


  • Deterministic OR Models/Introduction to Linear Optimization (ORP5001/MTH5007) - Fall 2011-2014, 2016, 2017, 2020
  • Stochastic OR Models/Intro to Probability Models (ORP5002/MTH5009) - Spring 2012- 2017, Summer 2020, Spring 2021
  • Mathematical Programming/Optimization Methods and Models (ORP5010/MTH5107) - Spring 2015, 2017-2020, Summer 2020
  • Applied Discrete Mathematics (MTH5051) - Fall 2014, 2016, Spring 2015, 2016
  • Special Topics: Applied Biostatistics (MTH5050) - Fall 2014
  • Advanced Topics in Math Programming (ORP 6010) - Spring 2014
  • Computational Methods in OR (ORP5090/MTH5050) - Fall 2012
  • Combinatorics and Graph Theory (MTH5050 / ORP5090) - Fall 2011, Spring 2013


  • Methods for BioMath (MTH3663) - Fall 2016, 2017
  • Discrete Mathematics (MTH2051) - Spring 2016
  • Intro to Linear Algebra (MTH 3102) - Spring 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
  • Combinatorics and Graph Theory (MTH3051/CSE2500) - Spring 2011, Fall 2013, 2014
  • Probability and Statistics (MTH2401) - Fall 2010, 2016, Spring 2011, 2012, 2014
  • Trigonometry Review (MTH1801) - Fall 2012

Selected Publications

Recognition & Awards

Externally Funded Grants

NSF MRI: Acquisition of a High Performance GPU/CPU Cluster for Research and Innovation in Computational Sciences and Engineering, $398,945, 10/01/2020-09/30/2023

  • PI: Mark Baarmand, Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
  • co-PI: Debasis Mitra & Philip Chan, Department of Computer Engineering and Sciences; Munevver Mine Subasi, Department of Mathematical Sciences; Roberto Peverati, Department of Biomedical & Chemical Engineering and Sciences
  • Senior Personnel: Steven Lazarus, Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences; Marius Silaghi & Ersoy Subasi, Department of Computer Engineering and Sciences; Ming Zhang, Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

NSF REU Site: Research at the Intersection of Biology and Mathematics, $319,233, 10/01/2014-09/30/2018

  • PI: David Carroll, Department of Biological Sciences
  • co-PI: Munevver Mine Subasi, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • REU Team: Biological Sciences: Lisa Moore, Mark Bush, Andrew Palmer, and Eric Guisbert; Mathematical Sciences: Jian Du, Jewgeni Dshalalow and Nezamoddin Nezamoddini-Kachouie, Systems Engineering: Ersoy Subasi

Optimizing Monitoring of Feral Hog Population Size Associated with Management Actions to Reduce Facility and Ecological Damage and Risks to Human Safety, NASA, $39,900, March-September, 2018

  • PI: Nezamoddin Nezamoddini-Kachouie
  • Co-PIs: Munevver Mine Subasi and Rob van Woesik

Drug Resistance in Breast Cancer, the Community Foundation of Brevard’s Kenneth R. Finken and Dorothy Hallam Finken Endowment Fund, $21,184, 07/01/2013-06/01/2014

Externally Funded Contracts

Aydin Flight Academy Project, Turkish Airlines, $7M, 2014-2015

  • PI: Korhan Oyman
  • Senior Personnel: Mary McCay (Hydrogen Research); Troy Nguyen, Ballard Barker, John Cain, Victoria Dunbar, Tim Rosser (Assessment Team); John Deaton, Julie Moore, Steven Rice, Scott Winter (Safety/Human Factors Team); Tolga Turgut (Cost Study); Ulreen Jones, Munevver Mine Subasi (Optimization Team); Soumik Biswas, Ishmael Cremer, Ed Croy, Aldo de Jesus Fabregas, Sarada Kuravi, David Moreno (REAP)

Internally Funded Projects

Towards Efficient Storage and Transfer of Data on Blueshark for Data-intensive Research, 2021 Institutional Research Incentive Program, College of Engineering and Science, Florida Institute of Technology, $35,815

  • PIs: Pallav Ray (OEMS-Meteorology), E. Nikolopoulos (MCE-Civil Engineering), Georgios Anagnostopoulos (CES-Computer Engineering), Charles Bostater (OEMS- Environmental Science), W. Gao (MCE-Mechanical Engineering), Steven Lazarus (OEMS-Meteorology), Darshan Pahinkar (MCE-Mechanical Engineering), Michael Splitt (College of Aeronautics), Ersoy Subasi (CES-Systems Engineering), Munevver Mine Subasi (Mathematical Sciences) Robert Weaver (OEMS-Ocean Engineering), Gary Zarillo (OEMS-Oceanography)

Blueshark Upgrade, Florida Institute of Technology 2014 Research Equipment Program, $100K

  • PIs: Pallav Ray, Charles Bostater, Ju Zhang
  • Co-PIs: Jim Jones, Munevver Mine Subasi, Clayton Baum, Ningyu Liu, Steven Lazarus, Robert Weaver

2015 Research Faculty Development Grant, Florida Institute of Technology, $1,600

  • PI: Munevver Mine Subasi

Externally Funded Programs

GE-FIT Girls in STEM Summer Program, General Electric Melbourne, $19,502, Summer 2017 - Summer 2019

  • Program Director: Munevver Mine Subasi

2013-2015 Florida Tech Applied Math Summer Program & 2017-2019 Girls in Engineering, Science, and Math (GEMS) Summer Programs, Collins Aerospace, $14,200

  • Program Director: Munevver Mine Subasi



Dr. Subasi’s research interests lie primarily in the area of stochastic programming, including two-stage/multistage problems with probabilistic constraints, the convexity theory of probabilistic constrained stochastic programming problems, probability bounding problem, and multivariate discrete unimodality.

Her other research interests include combinatorial data analysis with a focus on pattern based feature selection methods and data mining with applications to medicine and biology. She is currently analyzing breast cancer and lung cancer datasets to identify combinations of molecular and clinical features that are highly correlated with cancer patient outcome. She is also collaborating with Dr. Michael Lipkowitz (Georgetown University Medical Center) to develop a mathematical model that is used to predict the progression rate of chronic kidney disease.

Ph.D. Advisees

  • Sharifa Alqarni - Expected Graduation Date: May 2026
  • Semiha Mete - Expected Graduation Date: May 2026
  • Salihah Jaafari - Expected Graduation Date: May 2025
  • Hissah Albaqami - Expected Graduation Date: December 2024
  • Nandini Rakala - Graduation Date: May 2020
  • Talal Alharbi - Graduation Date: May 2020
  • Nasser Alreshidi - Graduation Date: May 2019
  • Travaughn Bain - Graduation Date: May 2019
  • Majed Alharbi - Graduation Date: December 2017
  • Ahmed Binmahfoudh - Graduation Date: May 2017
  • Juan Felix Avila Herrera - Graduation Date: May 2013

M.S. Thesis Advisees

  • Rebecca Smith - Graduation Date: December 2020
  • Isa Tuncman -  Graduation Date: July 2015
  • Kshetrajna Raghavan - Graduation Date: December 2013

Undergraduate Research Students

  • Alicia Handley (Math Sciences - 2022), Co-Advisor: Dr. Ryan White (Mathematical Sciences) - "Classifying MRI Imaging of Alzheimer's Disease with Convolutional Neural Networks",2022 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase. Receipient of Best-in-Show in Mathematical Sciences.
  • Jakob Newton (Math Sciences - 2021) - "Volume as Trend Indicator for Future Stock Prices", 2021 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase. Receipient of Best-in-Show in Mathematical Sciences.
  • Veronica Thordardottir (Math Sciences -2021) & Laura Guidugli (Chemistry), Co-Advisor: Dr. Pavithra Pathiratha (Chemistry) - "Optimization of Parameters of the P-2000 Laser Puller", 2021 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Nicholas Fornadel (Mathematical Sciences - 2020) - "Career Path Recommendation Engine", 2020 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Alexis Townsend (Mathematical Sciences - 2020) - "Offense vs. Defense: A Statistical Analysis of Women's Lacrosse", 2020 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Gyorgy Halo (Math Sciences - 2019) - "Mapping Genetic Sequences Theory & Application", Presented at 2019 Advancing Student Participation in Research Experiences Conference, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL, February 2, 2019 and 2019 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Shelley Mitchell (Math Sciences - 2019) - "Identification of Style-Markers and Composer Attribution in Classical Music", 2019 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Paul Arbic (Math Sciences  - 2019) - "An Efficient Genetic Algorithm and User-Friendly Software to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem", 2019 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Christopher Sum (Math Sciences - 2018) - "Optimization and Algorithmic Approach for PCB Assembly", Recipient of Best-in-Show in Mathematical Sciences, 2018 Northrop Grumman Senior Design Showcase
  • Mate Kovacs (Math Sciences - 2018) & Alexia Pearah (Biological Sciences  - 2018), Co-Advisor: Dr. Lisa Moore, Biological Sciences  - "Melanoma Gene Analysis of Drug Resistivity", Honorary Mention - Northrop Grumman Science Award, 2018 Northrop Grumman Senior Design Showcase
  • Nicardo Cameron & Alexia Pearah (Biological Sciences - 2017) - "Pattern Recognition Applied to a Cancer Database and COPASI Modeling for Melanoma Gene Analysis", Co-Advisor: Dr. Lisa Moore (Biological Sciences). Recipient of Northrop Grumman Best-in-Show Science Award2017 Northrop Grumman Senior Design Showcase
  • Brenna Frandson & Ayushi Saxena (Florida Tech NSF BioMath REU Interns - 2017) - "Gene Expression and Melanoma Drug Resistivity", Co-Advisor: Dr. Lisa Moore, (Biological Sciences). 2018 Posters on the Hill Conference, Washington, D.C., April 17-18, 2018
  • James Williams & Willa Huddleston (Math Sciences - 2017) - "A Mathematical Model to Identify Flight Delay Patterns of U.S. Airlines" - Poster accepted to Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, July 10-14, 2017 and 2017 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Allison Pinther (Math Sciences - 2017) - "Stylometric Analysis of Literary Texts", 2017 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Zoe Ashton (Math Sciences - 2016) - "Clinical and Genomic Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease", Recipient of 2016 President's Award for Undergraduate Research in College of Science at 2016 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Daniel Beck (Math Sciences - 2014) - "Optimal Mining Cut-off Grades: Hinoba Copper Mine in the Philippines"
  • Matthew Malczyk (Math Sciences - 2013) - "Mathematics - Music to my ears: A Monte Carlo Markov Chain Model for Music Composition", Recipient of 2013 President's Award for Undergraduate Research in College of Science and Best-in-Show in Mathematical Sciences at 2013 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase. Presented at 2013 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, April 6, 2013
  • Nicole Johnson (Math Sciences - 2013) - "The Game of Volleyball : A Mathematical Analysis", Best-in-Show in Mathematical Sciences, 2013 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Roby Poteau (Math Sciences & Biomath) - "A Mathematical Approach to Predict the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease", Recipient of 2012 President's Award for Undergraduate Research in College of Science, 2012 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase, Presented at 2012 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, April 21, 2012
  • Joshua Adadevoh (Applied Math - 2012) - "The Cost of Being Connected: A Cost-Efficient Network Design for Florida Tech", Presented at 2012 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, April 21, 2012 and 2012 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase
  • Olayinka Badejo (Math Sciences - 2011) - "Classroom Scheduling Problem at Florida Tech", Presented at 2011 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, April 16, 2011 and 2011 Northrop Grumman Engineering & Science Student Design Showcase

Research & Project Interests

  • Stochastic Programming
  • Two-stage/Multi-stage Problems with Probabilistic Constraints
  • Data Mining - Classsification of Large-Scale Proteomics and Genomics Data 
  • Combinatorial Data Analysis
  • Bioinformatics 
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