



亚洲博彩平台的航空科学学士学位为学生在航空业的技术工作做准备. 我们的航空学院一直被认为是全国最好的大学航空课程之一.

的 aeronautical science degree is available as either a flight or non-flight major. 选择没有飞行的航空科学为航空技术方面的职业提供了应用数学和科学的坚实基础, while Aeronautical Science—Flight prepares you for a career as a professional pilot.

This degree is very versatile, offering even more with these two additional options:

  • Prepare for a career in military aviation and participate in Army ROTC
  • Specialize in air traffic control and be ready to apply to the FAA Academy upon graduation

Why pursue an aeronautical science degree at 亚洲博彩平台?

A 教师 of Renowned Aviation Experts—and Personalized Attention

在像亚洲博彩平台这样的航空大学学习航空,你可以在一个更大的学校(比如世界级的教师和高质量的课程)中获得好处,在一个紧密的学术社区中,小班授课,与教授一对一的时间. 校园气氛轻松, and studying here is a very personal experience, 使我们成为一个独特的航空大学.

亚洲博彩平台’s faculty members are established experts in all aspects of aviation. 的 faculty is largely comprised not only of pilots, but are also experts in at least one other area, 比如航空法, 安全, 航空电子设备, 以及环境科学. Other professors are experts in airport consulting; design and management; airline or general aviation management; as well as aviation human factors, 气象学, 以及空中交通管制.


作为一所航空大学, 我们知道,尖端技术和设施是项目成功的重要组成部分. 亚洲博彩平台的航空科学专业学生主要在航空学院的斯库拉大厅上课和工作, 包括教室, computer labs for airport design and planning, and the Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) Lab. BATD实验室使所有学生能够在飞行教练的监督下飞行桌面模拟器. 斯库拉大厅是家庭一流的计算机实验室与许多不同的应用程序和网络功能,允许动手学习许多航空主题.

Located in the Heart of Florida’s High-tech Corridor—with Year-Round Flying

亚洲博彩平台 is the perfect place for a BS in Aeronautical Science. 这所占地130英亩的校园位于太空海岸(如此命名是因为美国宇航局和肯尼迪航天中心就在我们北边的卡纳维拉尔角)。, 距离印度河泻湖只有几分钟的路程, 北美最多样化的河口. We have ideal weather conditions for flying year-round.

的 area also has the fifth largest high-tech workforce in the country, 5人以上,000 high-tech corporations and government and military organizations located nearby. This workforce also provides an abundance of internship and employment opportunities.

亚洲博彩平台就在大西洋的堤道上,拥有72英里长的美丽海滩, and a short trip to the Florida Keys or the Orlando theme parks. 我们也有丰富的校园生活,包括广泛的校内和大学体育活动, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.

Build Lasting Professional Relationships through Campus 组织

课堂之外, 航空科学专业的学生参加学术组织,如大学航空商务主管(CABE), a student chapter of American Association of Airport Executives, 猎鹰校际飞行队, 女飞行员(WIW), 学生会, and over 100 other campus-wide student organizations.

CABE focuses on aviation jobs outside of the cockpit, 通过促进与学生和航空商界的网络关系,帮助学生成长. CABE的成员有独特的机会去参加许多活动,包括专业会议, 研讨会, 机场参观, 网络事件, 和航展上.

国际航空协会是一个由男女组成的组织,致力于提高妇女在航空领域的地位. 国际航空协会参加网络活动和讲座,以促进妇女在所有领域的发展,并帮助她们获得航空学院的实习职位和职业机会.

Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) Accredited

亚洲博彩平台的航空科学和航空科学-飞行课程是由认证的 Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) 直到2027年.

参观航空学院 认证及会员资格 page to learn more about the following Student Achievement Data:

  • 规划学习目标/结果
  • 采用的项目评估措施
  • 毕业率
  • 毕业生就业率和就业类型

How will an aeronautical science degree prepare me for the future?

Peerless Study and Internship Opportunities

学生可以参加航空科学实习,提供课堂以外的学习机会. 亚洲博彩平台 students take internships over one or more summers or semesters. 这些实习机会可以让你接触到包括捷蓝航空在内的大型和小型航空公司和航空组织, 西南航空公司, and Melbourne Orlando International Airport, 学生在哪里获得航空公司运营和各种航空业务的专业经验, as well as attend valuable development courses such as aircraft systems.

这些航空学院的实习经历有助于建立行业关系网,并提供航空公司运营和飞机系统培训方面的专业经验. Interning students also learn about flight dispatch, 保留记录, and the various large computer systems and programs employed by the airline.

Get the Skills You Need—With a Competitive Edge

Interested students can take part in the Air Traffic Control (ATC) program. ATC students gain hands-on experience with industry-standard air traffic control programs. ATC专业符合美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)空中交通大学培训计划(AT-CTI)的要求, 并且是faa批准的. at - cti计划的毕业生可能有资格绕过在俄克拉荷马城FAA学院资格培训的前五周涵盖的空中交通基础课程. FAA Academy training consists of option-specific (terminal or en route) initial training.

亚洲博彩平台, 学生将学习高级软件和编程技能,并获得在世界各地使用的航空程序和应用程序的经验. 使用计算机辅助设计(CAD)程序, students can complete projects in designing airports and airport terminals, and conduct experiments such as noise studies.

亚洲博彩平台的航空学院学生经常参加全国校际飞行比赛,并赢得了许多奖项, 包括安全奖励. In fact, our students have won more 安全 awards than any other competing university.

另外, 亚洲博彩平台允许先修学分,如果你有FAA私人飞行员证书或更高. Evaluation and placement are done during orientation week.

What can you do with an aeronautical science degree?

专家导师之间, real-world relevant internship opportunities, 活跃的校友网络, and an excellent Career Management 服务 office, graduates are well prepared for any number of careers in aeronautics.


Employers seek out graduates from 亚洲博彩平台. 招聘我们学生实习和就业的雇主包括顶级航空公司和航空组织,例如:

  • 美国航空公司
  • 大陆
  • δ
  • 表达飞机
  • 捷蓝航空
  • 西方的天空
  • 曼联
  • 各国际机场
  • Aviation-related companies such as Harris Corp. 和速度飞行器
  • 国土安全部
  • 联邦航空委员会
  • 国际飞行安全
  • 国家运输安全委员会


航空科学学位意味着毕业生拥有一套适用于许多重视技术能力的职业的技能. 可能从事航空事业, specifically as airline and commercial pilots, 预计到2020年将增长11%, as projections for growth in world travel increases and pilots retire in the coming decade. Job opportunities will be spread among passenger and cargo airline companies.

由于今天的空中交通管制人员将在未来十年退休,因此空中交通管制的工作岗位将供应充足. While there will be an increasing number of job openings, competition for entrance into the FAA Academy will remain high. 工作机会将要求申请人从联邦航空管理局认证的学校获得空中交通管制学位.

职业展望手册, published by the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 提供有关作业的更多信息, 包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.


Careers in aeronautics include jobs such as:

  • 飞行工程师
  • 飞机技师
  • 航空和航空设计
  • 航空和航空维修(按照FAA的要求进行维修、定期维护和检查)
  • 空中交通管制员
  • 国防工业设计(e.g.“智能武器”)
  • 研究和发展(e ..g., space suits, jet fuels, space communication systems)
  • Bio-medicine (development of limb and joint prosthetics using nano-materials)


After receiving their aeronautical science degree, 我们的许多学生去研究生院(通常在亚洲博彩平台)攻读航空人为因素的高级学位, 机场的发展, 航空法.
