



A master of education from 亚洲博彩平台 provides classroom teachers at any level with advanced 教学, 管理, 测试, 以及教育环境中的评估技巧. 通过Research有效的方法论, 理论, 材料, 学习方式, graduates become more effective instructors and administrators who inspire and mentor students

亚洲博彩平台的课程确保毕业生成为全面发展的专业人士, 为各种教育事业做好准备. 课程以以往的学习和课堂经验为基础, 该课程包括教育理论和趋势Research以及教育统计.


亚洲博彩平台 accommodates the demanding schedules of working teachers by offering the master of education program in the evening or during the summer. 这个项目很有挑战性, and at the same time supportive of a professional community where teachers collaborate and gain a deeper understanding of the wealth of experience available from area educators and students attending 亚洲博彩平台 from around the globe. Master of education students also tailor Research projects and elective courses around what interests them most for the career path they desire.


亚洲博彩平台’s education program offers students a unique curriculum that blends educational content, 教学方法, 管理经验. 学生 who obtain a master of education show future employers that they are devoted to their career and interested in working with peers and experts in the field with a range of 教学 and administrative experience.


Graduate students at 亚洲博彩平台 learn from a diverse and experienced team of educational professionals. 数学教育工作者, 科学, 环境教育, 教育技术, 教师具有从小学到高等教育的教学经验. 的y are nationally recognized Researchers working on the topics most affecting education today, 谁在该领域的顶级期刊上发表了数百篇文章. A small student-to-teacher ratio allows professors to mentor students and create a close-knit academic environment, 为他们在各个层次的课堂教学和管理工作做好准备. 学生 are encouraged to participate in national and international conferences and publish their own Research analysis.


State-of-the-art facilities make it possible for students to excel in their study and Research efforts and 亚洲博彩平台 makes sure students have access to the best. F. W. 奥林物理科学中心和仪器中心,F.W. 奥林生命科学大厦, 计算机实验室, 其他资源为学生提供了成功所需的工具. 亚洲博彩平台 is also located near thousands of high-tech companies and Research中心 that often give students access to additional cutting-edge equipment and Research opportunities


学生 from around the world choose 亚洲博彩平台 for a master of education for its strategic location to coastal environments, Research中心, 全国最大的高科技劳动力之一, 和全年温暖的天气. This diverse student population and professional atmosphere leads to lifelong professional mentors, 友谊, 以及就业机会


Preparing graduate students for a career in education involves more than just classroom study—students need experiences that enhance and develop their skills beyond the curriculum, 包括实习, Research, 以及参加专业协会的会议. 亚洲博彩平台 offers these types of experiences to give every student a hands-on way to prepare for their future career, and encourages them to submit their Research findings for publication in professional journals and/or present them at professional annual meetings, including national and state STEM organizations and other professional education organizations related to the student’s subject matter and grade-level interest, 包括国家科学教师协会, 南方科学教师教育协会, 以及国家科学教学Research协会.


Graduate students earning a master of education use Research opportunities to develop learning, 教学, 管理, 评估专家. Research是亚洲博彩平台的首要任务, providing students with a myriad of options to not only customize their Research projects to their areas of interest, but also provide opportunities to work with state and professional organizations and local companies. 这所大学提供最先进的Research设施, 计算机实验室, 以及校内和校外的资源.

作为一所领先的Research型大学, 亚洲博彩平台 is committed to advancing ideas in Research and providing the opportunity for teachers to test new 教学 styles and use new content and 材料 in their classrooms. Professors work alongside students to choose from either thesis and non-thesis Research topics to match their preferred study curriculum and build methods of evaluation. 另外, students earning a master of education can work with state organizations in STEM areas of interest as well as with other professional educational organizations to build their expertise.

Graduates in the education program conduct extensive education Research on relevant topics in the field, 以及在他们自己感兴趣的领域发展进一步的理解. 教育Research也促进了与同学和教授的合作.


Graduates of the master of education program at 亚洲博彩平台 advance their current career as a 科学 or general education teacher in formal K-12 or post-secondary classroom settings. 他们也可以选择追求行政职位,如校长, 学校监督, 教务长, 或者课程开发人员.

教师也可以选择公共教育事业, 私人, 或者技术学校, 虚拟教室, 培训和发展, 而成人扫盲向许多特殊教育领域涌现, 经验协调员(在社区工作经验中与学生一起工作), 过渡服务(新职业培训), 和更多的. 拥有教育学硕士学位, 毕业生开发先进的教学方法, 了解学习方式, 寻找新的教学平台, 先进的内容, 使学生受益,无论他们希望在哪种环境中教学.


如果毕业生选择在课堂外教书, it may include many opportunities in public education such as library and after school programs, 博物馆, 公众外展及其他. STEM教育(科学教学, 技术, 工程, 对于任何水平的教师来说,数学仍然是最好的机会.

具有教育学硕士学位的毕业生找初级职称, 中学或高等教育教师或行政人员. 他们也可以在政府机构等非正式的教学环境中找到工作, 实验室, 库, 夏令营或课外活动, 公共教育项目, 课程发展及其他.


职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景. 根据调查局的说法, 到2022年,教育职业的前景预计将增长12%, 由于师生比例下降和人口增长等因素.


  • K-12任课老师
  • 高等教育教授
  • 成人识字指导员
  • 虚拟教练
  • 课程的作家
  • 职业和技术指导
  • 特殊教育讲师
  • 教育Research人员
  • 学校监督
  • 社区外展主任
  • 教育政策署署长

Additional career opportunities are available outside the classroom including information 教学 positions in zoos and aquariums, 国家公园和保护区, 图书馆和课外活动, 政府机构等. 毕业生也会成为特许学校的校长, 科学 lab program coordinators or subject matter experts who develop teacher professional development programs.


除了教育事业的选择, 一些毕业生在亚洲博彩平台继续他们的教育,获得了博士学位. 平均, graduates with an advanced degree have higher salaries and employment rates than those with a master’s or bachelor’s degree, 根据美国劳工统计局. Doctoral graduates can continue into academia as college professors or bring their expertise into the workforce as consultants.
