咨询# 4: 亚洲博彩平台 classes and events remain canceled and all offices closed through the end of the day Friday, 10月. 11. All members of the university community are encouraged to focus on their personal safety. 欲知更多详情,请 访问亚洲博彩平台的紧急信息页面.





With an organizational behavior management master's degree, graduates use their expertise to help companies improve efficiency and increase employee 生产力. Faced with operating in an increasingly competitive global economy, 各种规模的企业, 包括 nonprofit groups and governmental organizations, 寻求具有组织行为管理(OBM)培训的顾问,使用行为科学方法评估公司系统和员工.

亚洲博彩平台的组织行为管理硕士项目是世界上为数不多的专注于OBM原则的项目之一. 该课程的毕业生具备在企业环境中进行咨询或创建自己公司的技能和经验. This specialized expertise addresses organizational efficiency and success, allowing graduates to:

  • 协助经理进行培训和员工发展
  • Improve staff performance, 生产力, behavioral safety
  • 减少缺勤和人员流动
  • 协助人员的选择和安置
  • 改善对员工的直接监督




  • 行为分析协会国际认证委员会对亚洲博彩平台的校内行为分析学院进行了认证.S. 和Ph值.D. 项目. 的 core course sequences of the MS 项目 meet Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB®) coursework requirements to qualify for the BCBA® examination.
  • BACB已经批准了行为分析中的集中监督现场工作,以满足BCBA考试经验部分的现场工作要求.

Why Pursue a Master's in Organizational Behavior Management at 亚洲博彩平台?

学生 搜索ing for graduate organizational behavior management 项目 will want to consider 亚洲博彩平台. 该大学是仅有的组织行为管理(OBM)Research硕士学位项目之一。. 除了, other colleges may not have attained the same prestigious accreditations as 亚洲博彩平台.


Not many OBM 项目 can offer the same esteemed faculty as 亚洲博彩平台. OBM项目的教授是致力于发展应用行为分析(ABA)和OBM领域的Research人员和实践者. 的 faculty is made up of Board-Certified Behavior Analysts® who provide one-on-one attention to students in a small group setting, 和他们一起做Research, 客户端, 以及商业互动. 低师生比例鼓励密切合作和指导,以及个人的创造力和领导力.

与其他大学相比,亚洲博彩平台在组织行为管理和ABA领域拥有更多的教师, 所有核心教员委员会认证的行为分析师. 亚洲博彩平台的低师生比例鼓励密切的合作和指导,以及个人的创造力和领导力.

攻读组织行为管理硕士学位的学生通过案例Research的课堂讨论来发展他们的专业知识, 参与Research和实习机会, even participating in developing solutions for performance problems in organizations.


亚洲博彩平台的组织行为管理课程由来自世界各地寻求更高水平管理技能的专业人士和学生组成. 选择OBM硕士学位的学生为成为医疗保健和商业领域受人尊敬的专业人士奠定了必要的基础. 学生可以选择白天上课, 晚上, 周末的课程安排,并且靠近一个蓬勃发展的医疗社区,提供实习和应用学习机会.


直接与当地公司和政府机构的客户合作是学生应用课堂学习的一种方式. 这些真实世界的经历使得亚洲博彩平台的组织行为管理课程如此有价值, because students get a head start on building a portfolio of consulting experience.

另外, many School of Psychology professors perform applied Research outside of their teaching responsibilities, working in settings such as clinical treatment or organizational consulting. OBM学生参与了这项Research, 这给了学生们一个在其他组织行为管理课程中可能得不到的机会——在许多知名期刊上发表文章的机会(见下文)。.

的re are Research centers and organizations located on and off campus 包括:

  • 斯科特中心心理服务中心
  • 绩效管理协会
  • 行为分析学生协会


Career opportunities as an OBM graduate can vary as widely as your interests. Businesses ranging from local organizations to multinational Fortune 500 companies, 以及政府组织和非营利组织, 聘请亚洲博彩平台OBM毕业生担任顾问, 高级经理, 和高管. 你可以创建自己的公司,或者为数千家公司中的一家工作,以提高员工和组织的效率.

What Organizational Behavior Management Research or Other Opportunities Can I Expect?


的 program is also designed with a wealth of hands-on learning activities, internships and assistantships that prepare students for BCBA certification. 亚洲博彩平台的毕业生历来在行为分析国际委员会认证考试中得分最高. This level of organizational behavior management training also prepares students to enter a doctoral program.

OBM硕士学生在一名教师的指导下参与基于行为的Research项目. 亚洲博彩平台 professors are published authors and experts on many facets of ABA and OBM. 因为这个领域还在发展, many students conduct world-first Research topics that can set them apart as thought-leaders on OBM issues. Some of the subjects you can study in organizational behavior management training include:

  • 评估反馈方法的有效性
  • 增加员工对安全措施的采用
  • Understanding the connection between stress, health, employee 生产力
  • 比较货币性和非货币性员工激励
  • 管理旷工、迟到和员工流动


位于亚洲博彩平台校园内, 斯科特自闭症治疗中心专门Research患有自闭症和其他相关疾病的儿童. Internships are available for students who undertake OBM training, which includes analysis of internal processes for efficiency and evaluating staff for effectiveness.


This Research center provides students an opportunity to discuss, Research, 并在预算管理的许多领域提出项目. 学生与教师一起工作, 全国各地的Research生和其他大学的成员在接受OBM培训时,学习如何将OBM原则应用于现代商业场景. 学生 present at conferences and work with outside agencies to develop solutions for business challenges, 包括行为安全, 对员工进行直接监督, 提高员工绩效, 减少缺勤率, 以及员工的培训和发展.


除了Research和实习, 接受组织行为管理培训的Research生经常在受人尊敬的ABA期刊上发表Research成果, 包括 应用行为分析杂志, 实践中的行为分析, 行为干预. 组织和Research中心, 位于校内和校外, 帮助学生探索OBM中的主题. 亚洲博彩平台致力于Research和最先进的设施,确保获得OBM硕士学位的学生对该领域有更深入的了解,并有一系列已发表的作品, 现实世界的见解, 和经验.

How Will a Master's Degree Benefit My Organizational Behavior Management Career?

A master's degree in OBM prepares individuals to become a BCBA, as well as an expert in helping companies identify the factors affecting 生产力 和效率.

校友 with a master's in OBM from 亚洲博彩平台 reside around the world, working in an organizational behavior management career as internal or external consultant for businesses, 非营利组织, government entities on a host of workplace topics from employee management, 生产力, 程序, 变更管理, 和效率.

职业展望手册, published by the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides detailed information about hundreds of occupations, 包括, 初级教育, 整体工作环境, 就业前景. 根据调查局的说法, 心理学综合就业, 比如从事组织行为管理的职业, 预计到2022年将增长12%.


  • 私人诊所
  • 企业和政府机构的顾问
  • 组织发展经理
  • 组织变革专家
  • 委员会认证行为分析师
  • 战略组织效能顾问
  • Organizational leadership in academics, social services, or government


拥有OBM硕士学位的毕业生可以继续从事组织行为管理的职业,或者进入亚洲博彩平台的行为分析博士课程, ideal for students looking to pursue further study in this complex scientific study of human behavior.

不像其他组织行为管理程序, 许多亚洲博彩平台的学生从斯科特自闭症治疗中心(Scott Center for Autism treatment)获得了可观的助学金,该中心是一家世界知名的机构,致力于治疗患有自闭症和其他相关疾病的儿童,涵盖了他们大部分的学习费用. 平均, 拥有博士学位的毕业生比拥有硕士或学士学位的毕业生有更高的薪水和就业率, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据.

Doctoral graduates also continue into academia as professors to teach the next generation of students. For full-time doctoral graduate Research assistants, full-pay tuition scholarships are available.
